Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />2 <br />located in the same county. This means that the County has to allocate funds among both CHCCS <br />and OCS in an equitable manner. There are only 11 other North Carolina counties out of the 100 <br />counties in the State with more than one school system located in the same county. This creates <br />a unique challenge for planning school facilities and allocating county funds. Combined, CHCCS <br />and OCS have approximately 18,600 Pre-K through Grade 12 students. CHCCS has approximately <br />11,500 students in 19 schools, supported by approximately 1,500 school personnel and <br />approximately 400 non-school personnel working out of 3 administrative facilities. CHCCS <br />maintains and operates 22 buildings, totaling approximately 2 million square feet and <br />approximately 544 acres of property. The average age of the CHCCS buildings are more than 50 <br />years old. OCS has approximately 7,100 students in 13 schools, supported by approximately 890 <br />school personnel and approximately 170 non-school personnel working out of 6 administrative <br />facilities. OCS maintains and operates 18 buildings, totaling approximately 1.5 million square feet. <br />The average age of the OCS buildings are more than 41 years old. The County allocates capital <br />funding to CHCCS and OCS based on Annual Daily Membership (ADM). An important <br />benchmarking exercise will be to review how other 11 North Carolina counties with multiple <br />school districts prioritize and allocate funding, if different from ADM. The County, CHCCS and OCS <br />has a keen interest in reviewing how other entities address this challenge, and different scenarios <br />are encouraged by all respondents to this RFQ. <br /> <br />Exhibit C is a listing of the Districts owned facilities, including name, type, site acreage, building <br />square footage, year constructed and year(s) of renovation(s) and or addition(s). <br /> <br />The project objectives are as follows: <br /> <br />A. Complete a comprehensive assessment of educational and administrative facilities owned and <br />operated by both school districts. <br />B. Calculate Facility Condition Index (FCI) scores for buildings including FCI scores for individual <br />systems. <br />C. Prioritize building systems based on need, observed deficiencies, remaining useful life, and <br />classify each system based on a recommended timeframe for system replacements. <br />D. Estimate the Districts’ overall outstanding capital need and a recommended annual <br />investment plan to address deferred maintenance. <br />E. Use existing County and Districts long-range plans and respective FCAs to revise the <br />short and long term capital improvement plans beginning in 2024. <br />F. Input data on critical building systems, life expectancy, and capital investments into the <br />Districts enterprise facilities management software <br />G. Recommend Prioritization Scenarios that considers the County funding allocation for both <br />Districts following Benchmarking other Counties and School Districts. <br /> <br />Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MWBE) Participation: Orange County encourages all <br />businesses, including minority, and woman owned business enterprises to respond to all <br />Request for Qualifications, Invitation to Bid, and Request for Proposal. <br /> <br />III. Scope of Services <br /> <br />A. Comprehensive Facility Condition Assessment <br />This contract will require inspections of all facilities as specified herein by architectural and <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F3ECCCC4-11C5-4B8B-A148-28FAABFF6334