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4 <br /> Fire Districts <br /> 5. The Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Department has requested $75,000 to be drawn from <br /> the district's available, unassigned fund balance. The district will use these funds, along <br /> with $25,000 of the district's own reserve funds for vehicle replacement, to purchase an <br /> administration/incident command vehicle. The vehicle will allow for the district to meet the <br /> demands of its increasing call volume and service demands. With this appropriation, <br /> approximately $75,000 remains in the district's unassigned fund balance. This amendment <br /> increases the appropriation of Fund Balance in the Fire District Fund, outside the General <br /> Fund. (See Attachment 2.) <br /> 6. The Chapel Hill Fire Department has requested $12,000 to be drawn from the district's <br /> available, unassigned fund balance. These funds, along with other funds from the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill, will be used to outfit two new fire engines arriving this summer. With this <br /> appropriation, approximately $11,000 remains in the district's unassigned fund balance. <br /> This amendment increases the appropriation of Fund Balance in the Fire District Fund, <br /> outside the General Fund. (See Attachment 3.) <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goal is <br /> applicable to this item: <br /> • GOAL: CREATE A SAFE COMMUNITY <br /> The reduction of risks from vehicle/traffic accidents, childhood and senior injuries, <br /> gang activity, substance abuse and domestic violence. <br /> Fleet Services <br /> 7. One of the County ambulances was totaled in a motor vehicle accident in May 2022. The <br /> County's insurance policy will provide $240,458 to purchase a replacement vehicle. Some <br /> equipment, to include the LifePak heart monitor, stretcher, and stretcher power load, also <br /> sustained damages during the incident and are unable to be repaired and recertified by the <br /> vendor. These assets will need to be replaced as part of the upfit process for the new <br /> ambulance. In order to upfit the new ambulance, $159,951 from the County Capital <br /> Reserve Fund will be transferred to the County Capital Fund. This amends the County <br /> Capital Fund by $400,409, and amends the following Capital Ordinance: <br /> Vehicle Replacement Fund($400,409) - Project#30010 <br /> Revenues for this project: <br /> Current FY 2022-23 FY 2022-23 <br /> FY 2022-23 Amendment Revised <br /> Alternative Financing $6,666,438 $6,666,438 <br /> Transit Tax Proceeds $223,400 $223,400 <br /> Insurance Reimbursement $166,098 $240,458 $406,556 <br /> Municipal Contribution $9,000 $9,000 <br /> From Capital Reserve $136,000 $159,951 $295,951 <br /> Grant Funding $2,666,549 $2,666,549 <br /> Total Project Funding $9,867,485 $400,409 $10,267,894 <br />