Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> 1 Slide #23 <br /> TARPO SPOT 6-Projedr, <br /> .�.F ...........Warli m........0*' <br /> ,i Y E%w6:1-Caclar Croat Roacl($R.1 X4) <br /> ;I {� -• I : Turn Lame <br /> .F--C�F + rldak� -7 Dear..: <br /> Mason Berm <br /> L • 5 �00*rlllrallon <br /> y : Mebane Oaks Road(SR-1 C-D7) <br /> k : 9 h�amlrailori <br /> .. �' 8 NC•99 d*+r� <br /> L feria ..... <br /> ■■■.-N4.- 4 fll:Il Allot Mow■■r■■■■■� <br /> ,. #2 Funded by High ImpactILQw Cost <br /> , 08 Staff to pur-sue Mmlmodw Corrldor <br /> L• ,� t• <br /> Study.f <br /> { _ : 09+ 1 0 submltted as 1 project <br /> J' County got 1 more Highway project <br /> due to rto BI k*iP*d proWts. <br /> oc•�c,.o-e4.•.. �- 10 County Priorities - on I y 5 scar-ad <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Commissioner Greene asked Nishith Trivedi to explain the multimodal corridor study in <br /> 4 the TARPO #8 NC-86 Widening project. <br /> 5 Nishith Trivedi said that by making it a county priority in SPOT 6, he said that he is hoping <br /> 6 to get a vendor to do a study of that corridor. He said that it is similar to the US 70 corridor that <br /> 7 became a priority and they were able to obtain a study. He said if this continues to remain a county <br /> 8 priority, they can pursue a study through the MPO. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 <br />