Orange County NC Website
Table i <br /> Identification Tree Cond2on Summery Frolacement Tree <br /> Tree Two cavillee and decayirg stub F tllameter sugar maple <br /> endroling upper Wnk. <br /> Cme2 Cavity zMan mearsasalmost a lira of U diameter sugar maple <br /> the upper hurl Cilcumferenne. <br /> Re®tlual souncl adjacem to this <br /> �M is aim of Tn"Ident Mlckness <br /> Trees pecaying cavlrywnim enelrcJes alms s"diameter auger maple <br /> a Ind of the upper trunKs <br /> sums <br /> The ale Branches wiM CavNes and additional Tdlameter augar maple <br /> dearl in Ore crown. <br /> Trees Crown full of Selective immune , s"diameter sugar maple <br /> Trec6 Downcast stubs almond the weer E diameter""maple <br /> flunk Several tommAme;thrown me or <br /> more avties. <br /> Tree] DadwaM IvadledMmyhW Cmun. T dim for red maple <br /> Trea6 Exleneve,acffiNld and brenchvrocU 6Nameter red maple <br /> f riuRa <br /> TMe9 Fallon in5wm. V diameter red maple <br /> Trta 1B Damaged surface mots. Wdierim ar red maple <br /> Tree 11 Thal long dlocaying area F diameter red maple <br /> Defective branch wilkM1 extends tawaNa <br /> the parl for. <br /> 7 5 i2 Srotm damage,all major branches in W diameterredmaple <br /> the erorm nave caviliee and other <br /> derma <br />