Orange County NC Website
Whined Projects Update <br /> March 27, 2002 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Understanding the significant parking issues that exist at the building and desiring to <br /> ensure that both the members of the public and the employees have adequate access <br /> to parking, Department Heads from the Whited Building devised the fallowing parking <br /> plan: <br /> • The each to be paved lot at the comer of Hassell and Tryon Streets will be <br /> designated and signed for public parking only. <br /> • The to be improved, unpaved lot currently used by the OPT buses,will also <br /> be designated and signed for public parking.. <br /> • The soon to he paved lotto the east of the building will be designated and <br /> signed for employee parking; <br /> • The to be improved, unpaved lot to the north of the building will be designated <br /> and signed for employee parting. <br /> • Al onatreet parking will be public parking only. <br /> • Employees will be issued parking hangings that hang from the mirmrof their <br /> vehicle. <br /> As mentioned by the Manager during the March 19 County Commissioners meeting, <br /> the Town of Hillsborough Manager has offered to explore with the County the possibility <br /> of developing a limited number of additional parking spaces on Hassell Street to the <br /> west of the facility. The County and Town Engineers will dammtine the feasibility of this <br /> approach. If deemed advisable, it will be included in the paving bid solicited by the <br /> County as an alternate so that we may isolate the met and make an informed decision <br /> as to its overall value. <br /> The specifications for the paving project are currently being completed and will be <br /> submitted for review W the appropriate regulatory agencies very soon. We anticipate <br /> that the project may be bid such that an award may be made poor to June 30,2002, <br /> The work, estimated to take$046 days,will be completed over the summer. <br /> Health Department Clinic Renovation <br /> Dr. Rosemary Summers, Health Director identified the need to re-vamp the Hillaborough <br /> clinic area some time ago. The project consists of changing the floor plan such that the <br /> dient flow will be more ordery, thereby making the operation in general more efficient. <br /> It will also address OSHA standards for flooring that can be disinfected in the clinical <br /> area (the existing carpet cannot be disinfected). Furher, the renovation will address <br /> heretofore-unmet specialized needs, such as the creation of a negative pressure <br /> treatment room for TS patients and mom functional pharmacy and lab areas. <br /> This project th anticpated to require approximately four-six months to complete. The <br /> HVAC replacement project will require that areas be vacated while the ceilings are <br /> removed and ductwork is replaced. For this reason, the Clinic renovation was designed <br /> to be bid In tandem with that project, although funded separately. <br />