Orange County NC Website
The Anticipated Results column must include quantifiable results in the form of number of persons/units served within Orange <br />County,only (all Towns and municipalities).If you use percentages,you must also provide the total number of participants <br />within that measure’s description or for an earlier performance measure. <br />Performance Measures Anticipated <br />Results <br /> More than 90 % of teachers reported increased student confidence in leadership via <br />post-workshop surveys <br />100% <br />(35/35) of <br />teachers   <br />    <br />     # and % of workshops existing Oral / Civil Rights History Story Books (Northside <br />Chronicles) updated by veteran community activists and educators <br />9/10, <br />90%      <br />     # of students who acquire local history skills,as reported post workshop teacher <br />surveys <br />1485 <br />(95%)      <br />     # of elderly or low-income residents who gain home preservation plans that help <br />retain them in their home <br />65/65      <br />     # elderly households provided with attested wills that help prevent land loss 18/18      <br />     # of households that receive coordinated,comprehensive, quality home repairs <br />that help retain them in their homes <br />20/20      <br />           <br />           <br />Certified by: _______________________ Title: __________________________ Date: ____________ <br />(Provider ’s Signature) <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 453E455B-EB8F-4C63-A66F-89BF3CD9DE40