Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT “B” <br />Scope of Services – FY 22-23     -      <br />Outside Agency Performance Agreement <br />Agency Name:     The Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History  <br />Program Name:    Keeping Your House A Home and Learning Across Generations    <br />Funding Award: $10,000     <br />Outline how the agency will spend Orange County’s funding award. <br />Expense Description Amount <br />     Coordinator Position for Learning Across Generations Program (Personnel)6,819      <br />     Community Outreach Specialist Position for Keeping Your House a Home (Personnel)3,181      <br />           <br />           <br />           <br />           <br />Program Services <br />Outline the critical services (activities) the agency will employ to attain the Anticipated Outcomes below, by June 30, 20     . <br />●   Coordinate with the Orange County Home Preservation Coalition regarding repairs and <br />update all homeowners on the progress of their repair status.Support homeowners in completing <br />repair applications,researching repair needs,building scopes of work for projects,and hiring <br />workers to complete repairs.Meet with homeowners and share information regarding various <br />repair programs and opportunities available for their specific needs.Contact repair agencies to <br />connect homeowners with nonprofit providers and coordinate while the repairs are active.       <br />●     Implement Keeping Your House a Home workshops by recruiting residents and sharing <br />information.Partner with other agencies to participate in the workshops by providing information <br />regarding energy efficiency practices,do-it-yourself projects to reduce the need for expensive <br />repairs,assisting in the completion of repair applications.Coordinate wills clinics in partnership <br />with various attorneys and law students while doing outreach that will include phone calls,flyers, <br />newsletter publications.Schedule individual sessions with residents to attorneys on an ongoing <br />basis depending on availability of services. <br />●Create 10 new Northside Chronicles and other local history materials for youth to utilize while <br />exploring more about local history.These materials all focus on local stories of individuals as a <br />way for history of the area to be learned in a more accessible way. <br />●Coordinate Learning Across the Generations workshops to over 1485 students across the Chapel <br />Hill,Carrboro City School System and other local areas.These workshops cover topics from oral <br />history,local organizing and the importance of personal growth as a marker for inspiring youth to <br />be the change makers of the future. <br />●Connecting with 35 or more educators on the results of the effectiveness of the local history <br />workshops to their students.Speaking about their increase of confidence and knowledge through <br />postworkshop surveys. <br />Anticipated Outcomes <br />Certified by: _______________________ Title: __________________________ Date: ____________ <br />(Provider ’s Signature) <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 453E455B-EB8F-4C63-A66F-89BF3CD9DE40