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3 <br /> Senator Meyer said it varies state by state. He said his take is that there are probably <br /> other pathways the state could take where everyone comes out fine. He said he thinks there is <br /> a way to preserve enough of Certificate of Need to keep rural hospitals from going out of <br /> business and give enough expansion of practice to nurses so there are more nurses in more <br /> places so it's easier to get healthcare. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if anyone is pursuing that middle ground. <br /> Senator Meyer said yes. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if there is any movement to de-couple these issues. <br /> Senator Meyer said that is essentially the House's position. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked what would change the Senate's position on tying these <br /> issues to Medicaid expansion. <br /> Senator Meyer said it would take negotiations between House and Senate leadership. <br /> Representative Buansi said the Senate passed the Medical Omnibus Bill over the <br /> summer that included Medicaid expansion, but House leadership at the time did not want to <br /> consider it during that session. <br /> Representative Price said Governor Cooper is really pushing for the Medicaid expansion <br /> bill by the end of March for the federal bonus. She said there was discussion in the House <br /> about how desperately young people need mental health care now and the need for <br /> practitioners in every school, or at least accessible to students. <br /> Related to youth mental health services, Chair Bedford said she was pleased to hear <br /> that the hospital in Butner will convert by July with UNC Hospitals to serve children. However, <br /> she noted that it will now be a 2 hour drive for adults in Orange County who need substance <br /> use treatment, so fewer will get it. She said we aren't solving the problems, just shifting it to a <br /> different population. She said not only are 1/3 of the beds for substance use treatment going <br /> away, but there's also the question of who is going to transport the adults if they do get a bed. <br /> Chair Bedford said she hopes the legislative delegation supports the Department of <br /> Health and Human Service's appeal of the ruling by Judge Baddour about the Olmstead Act <br /> because it was going to eliminate all the small group homes. She said the goal is a full <br /> continuum of services because some people do need to be in institutions at times in their lives, <br /> while others can live in the community without supports. <br /> Chair Bedford revisited the following component of the first item on the list on the <br /> Board's list of priority legislative issues an: <br /> • support Medicaid reimbursement to EMS for behavioral health transport to crisis <br /> centers; <br /> She said this would help Orange County financially. <br /> Chair Bedford also revisited the following component of the first item on the list: <br /> • reduce the number of people with mental health issues in county detention centers; <br /> Chair Bedford said the county is working on this. She shared that some Board members <br /> are going to learn about a DHHS-funded mental health center in Mecklenburg County and see if <br /> Orange County could qualify for something similar. She said the county could build this type of <br /> facility but the issue is operating it. She said MCOs are supposed to do this but they don't have <br /> the money. She said it's important to keep people with behavioral health issues out of the <br /> criminal justice system and overcrowded hospital emergency rooms. She said expanding <br /> Medicaid will help many people access the real services that they need. <br />