Orange County NC Website
L/V4ull14LL <br />age ~ o <br />well water or storm water runoff ~~ <br />• Limit landscape irrigation and use drought resistant plants <br />:3? Wastewater Technology <br />• Reduce municipally provided potable water for building sewage flow by using gray water or <br />waterless fixtures <br />3.3 «~ater Use Reduction <br />• Reduce aegregate water use by a minimum of ?0°,/o than the base, not including irrigation, after <br />meeting EPA 1992 fixture performance requirements.. Smith Middle and Scroggs Elementary would <br />provide baseline use data. <br />Energy and Atmosphere <br />4.1 1\Iinimum Energy Performance <br />• Design building to meet ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1, state or local energy codes, whichever is more <br />stringent <br />4.2 CFC Reduction <br />• Zero use of CFGbased refrigerants in HVAC systems <br />• Check for other CFC materials, products and systems and make sure that all aze CFC-free <br />4.:3 Optimal Energy Efficiency <br />• Increase energy performance by a minimum of 20% in new buildings and 10°ro in existing <br />structures above those described in 4.1, as demonstrated by simulation using Energy Cost Budget <br />Method described in section I 1 of ASHRAE/IESNA 90, I <br />4.4 Renewable Energy <br />• During building design, consider the use of high temperahare solar or geothermal assisted <br />technologies to provide a portion of the total energy use of the building <br />Material and Resources <br />~.1 Storage and Collection of Recyclables <br />• Provide an easily accessible location that serves the entire building for the collection, separation <br />and storage of recyclables <br />5.3 Construction Waste Alanagement <br />• During the design process, develop a checklist that focuses on the reduction of'construction waste <br />from a design function <br />• Develop a waste management plan that includes a reuse area, recycling area for separation, and a <br />lunch area that provides for recycling <br />• Recycle or salvage at least 7~°,% of grading and clearing debris by weight <br />http://nt~ scbbs,com/cgi-bin/orn_isapi,dll?cli entID=54602&depth=2&infobase=chaphill.n,.. 8/1 1 /?003 <br />