Orange County NC Website
in~~ui~icut Page I of 3 <br />~~' <br />Policy Code: 9040 High Performance Building Design Criteria <br />The Board of Education supports the construction of school facilities that are designed to be cost- <br />efficient, durable and sensitive to the environment. These criteria can only be met when an integrated <br />approach to design is used from concept introduction to building commissioning. The Board of <br />Education takes its role as stewards of taxpayer fiords seriously and supports efforts to design and <br />construct schools that not only are cost efficient to build but will reduce operational expenses over the <br />life-span of the building,. <br />The Board of Education supports the definition of High Performance Schools provided below and will <br />incorporate it during the design and construction phases of school development. High Pezformance <br />Schools (HPS) ar'e designed to unpz°ove the leanzireg enviz•azznezzt while saying ener~~~, zzzater'idls azzd <br />natzu•al z°esozn•ces. <br />The Board desires that the following design characteristics of HPS be incorporated into every school <br />design to the extent feasible, recognizing constraints associated with budgets, sites and other such <br />factors. <br />Develop in an Appropriate and Environmentally Sensitive Alanner <br />Orientation for energy conservation <br />Conservation of natural areas <br />Respect for resource conservation districts <br />Balanced use of fill or excavation <br />Respect for flood plains and flowage easements <br />Reduce the Use of «'ater <br />Use of low volume toilets, faucets, showerheads and irrigation systems <br />Monitor water usage <br />Provide High Efficiency HVAC and Lighting <br />Install high efficiency boilers and chillers <br />Instal] T-3 lighting <br />Provide solar powered lighting <br />Provide motion detector lighting <br />Consider daylighting <br />Provide adequate insulation <br />Design 4 pipe HVAC systems <br />Use Dlaterials That Conserve Raw Resources <br />Designate area for recyclable materials <br />Use recycled material in construction where available <br />,~om isapi.dll?clientID=546502&depth=?&infobase=chaphill.n.. S/I1/2003 <br />