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DocuSign Envelope ID:77803446-26E8-4424-B3DD-15F947931AE8 <br />iiouuuuuuuuuuu.111 m .,1111111 <br />A <br />Automatic Updater-A Windows service that runs on the MARVLIS Server machine that aids with the <br />distribution and installation of new software releases or map data to client machines from a <br />centralized server.The system is designed to allow the entire rollout process to be controlled from <br />the office without the need to physically touch the client machines in the field. <br />B <br />Barrier-A barrier is a road closure,whether permanent or temporary, within the routable street <br />network. <br />Barrier Menu Dialog- Part of Deployment Monitor that displays currently existing road closures. It <br />also allows for creation, editing, and deletion of road closures. <br />C <br />Client Configuration- Each client configuration is a collection of settings used to control the <br />appearance and functionality of MARVLIS Client. By creating multiple client configurations, MARVLIS <br />Client can be configured to meet a variety of needs. <br />Communication Log Dialog- Part of Deployment Monitor that will display incoming data as it is being <br />rendered on the map. This is most commonly used in troubleshooting. <br />D <br />Dashboard- MARVLIS Dashboard is the web-based service that is used primarily for building and <br />editing Client Configurations as well as viewing various reports.The home page of Dashboard <br />provides at-a-glance status of MARVLIS Server. <br />Day Mode- In MARVLIS Client,this is a map display configuration that is typically used during daylight <br />hours. <br />Demand Configuration- In Demand Monitor, a demand configuration contains a set of parameters <br />used to extract specific historical incident data surrounding a specific time and date. <br />Demand Coverage Gauge-The coverage gauge,typically located in the top left corner of the <br />Deployment Monitor map, displays the percentage of historical calls during the current time frame <br />which are currently covered by available unit service areas. <br />Demand Information - Part of Deployment Monitor located under the recommendation display that <br />shows the current demand information.This optional dialog provides some detail regarding the <br />historical incident data used to generate the visible hotspot map. <br />Demand Monitor- Demand Monitor software is a tool in the MARVLIS Suite of products designed to <br />help you quantify the expected location of demand for a specific time frame. Using historical data <br />extracted from your CAD (Computer-aided Dispatch) system, Demand Monitor determines hotspots <br />of activity for the specified time to provide you with the information necessary to best deploy your <br />resources to meet the expected demand. <br />Deployment Monitor- Deployment Monitor is a tool in the MARVLIS Suite of products designed to <br />integrate with your AVL and CAD systems to map and monitor vehicles as they perform their critical <br />duties. By combining vehicle position and status information with a customizable collection of your <br />own GIS layers, Deployment Monitor provides a virtual window into the entire state of your <br />B-24 <br />CORE/0804998.0008/128897050.2 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3A3B749D-89FA-4DD4-AB4B-396224600A6A