Agenda - 02-17-2004-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-17-2004
Agenda - 02-17-2004-9b
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9/2/2008 8:59:19 AM
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8/29/2008 10:38:25 AM
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RES-2004-011 2004 Rate Order Resolution for Cable Services in Unincorporated Orange Co
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Shopping/QVC conunissions and advertising.. The Cable Industry has demonstrated uncanny <br />adroitness with respect to passing franchise fee on to its customers.. <br />The Cable industry stopped paying franchise fees on cable modems. At least 25% of Time <br />Warner's cable customers subscriber to its high-speed hrternet service. Many local governments <br />believe that Time Warner and other cable operators terminated the franchise fee levy on cable <br />modem service prematurely as the FCC has not issued a final ruling on the matter. In a similar <br />maneuver, Time Wamer intends to pass on to its customers apro-rata share of the franchise fee <br />levied on advertising revenues in Tanuary 2004. Normally, this expense is typically born by the <br />business, not added as a line item on the customer's monthly statement. <br />Summary: That nationally rate hikes across most viewed cable tiers averaged 6%. However, in <br />markets where there is head-to-head wireline competition rates were I S% less than in those <br />markets without competition. GAO report noted that the cost of programming increased 34% <br />during the past three years <br />Many subscribers view a hand full of channels and would prefer to purchase "just those <br />channels." The GAO noted that "an a-la-carte approach would facilitate more subscriber choice <br />but require additional technology and customer service."` Whereupon, advertising revenues to <br />cable netwodcs would decrease and programming costs would be increased to offset the revenue <br />loss.. One possible outcome is that the cost per channel would increase and minimize any <br />redttetion in the cost for cable service,. <br />FCC1235 Cable System Upgrade Costs <br />Time Warner Cable submitted in 2000 and 2001 an abbreviated FCC1.235 Cost of Service Filing <br />for Cable Network Upgrades for BST services' to establish a Cost of Service rate. This fee is <br />"Added on" to the BST rate, Under the FCC's Hiles, cable operators are permitted to recover <br />system upgrade outlays on a tier-by-tier basis. FCC rules allow capital upgrade costs to be <br />apportioned among the cable tiers, e g, BST, cable program service tier (CPST), new product <br />tiers (NPT), eta <br />Issues Related to Competition and Subscriber Rates in the Cable Television Industry, United States <br />Genernl Accounting Oftiee, Ocrober 2003 <br />Since 1995, pursuant to [he Social Contract, T ime Warner collected substantial pre-capitalization upgrndc <br />fees amounting to seve rnt dollars monthly from CPST subscribers The PCC has ruled that these fiords cannot be <br />applied to off-set that portion of the cable operator's cost to upgrade the portion of the network used to distribute <br />6ST services Consequently, Time Warner is able to recover from its BST customers only the cost of the network <br />upgrade associated with the distribution of IIST cable services <br />Action Audits, LLC Cable Rate, Franchise Fee, Utility Tax Auditing Se Telecommunication Administration <br />101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-531 G Voice tf 919.467 5392 Fos # 9 i9 460 6868 <br />
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