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Franchise Related Lxpenses(Public Access or I-Net): Time Warner Cable reported no franchise <br />related expenses for 2003. Franchise related costs incurred by the operator may include such <br />expenses as public, government and education access facilities and equipment, signal <br />transportation, headend acconunodations as well as Institutional Network related expenses.. <br />Pro~rannnin~ Cost Adjustment: Time Warner will collect for the projected period $1..80 <br />monthly, per subscriber, during 200.3 for anticipated BST external costs, most of which is <br />attributable to progrannning costs, Various cable operators have advised that program service <br />providers customarily increase service fees annually. Time Warner attributes its progrannning <br />cost changes to what it must pay for each service offered, However, this amount is relatively low <br />compared to upper cable tier service progrannning costs. Most of the channels on Time <br />Warner's BST are obtained without cost to the company. <br />With respect to upper tier programming and rate increases, the GAO reported in October 2003 <br />that "(d)uring the past three 3 years, the cost of prop'armning has increased considerably (.34%), <br />driven by the high cost of original progrannning,[].' <br />FCC Regulatory Fees: The Federal Couvnunications Commission collects a "Regulatory Fee" <br />from cable operators to fund the FCC's regulatory oversight of cable television matters. This fee <br />is passed on to subscribers by the operator. <br />The FCC permits cable operators to internalize or externalize the regulatory fee. The fee <br />(-$.66/year) is collected incrementally (~$,OS/month) from it cable television subscribers These <br />revenues are not subject to franchise fees or' other taxes and must be remitted to the federal <br />govennnent to compensate the FCC for the cost of operating the Media Bureau°. An <br />examination of the monthly bills sent to cable customers determined the fee is external to the <br />monthly BST rate, hence it is excluded from the rate treatment process, <br />Cable television subscribers served by Time Warner wilt conhibute more than $4294 5 in <br />regulatory fees to the Federal government during the projected period! There are 67 million cable <br />television subscribers in the United States which pay an annual 66-cent regulatory fee to the <br />Federal govennnent. This amounts to $35.5 million annually to fund the FCC's cable television <br />regulatory enforcement activities. <br />Franchise Fees: The County levies a 5°/u franchise fee on the cable operator's gross receipts. <br />Franchise fees are levied on cable program services, advertising revenues, launch fees Home <br />~lssucs Related to Competition and Subscriber Rates in the Cable Television Industry, United States <br />General Accounting Office, October 2003 <br />The Cable Service Dureau was folded into the Media nureau in a recent FCC reorganization <br />56506 * 5 66 = 54294 <br />Action Audits, LLC Cable Rate, Franchise Fec, Utility Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration <br />101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice ;E 919 467 5392 Fnx ;E 919AG0.6868 <br />