Orange County NC Website
16 <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />NC-0256, NC-0276 z&b <br />BEFORE THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS <br />IN TFIE MATTER OF: <br />1 he Review of FCC 1240 Annunl Rate <br />Adjustment Request, FCC1235 <br />Abbreviated Cost of Scrvice Rnte Request, <br />and FCC 1205 Equipment and Installation <br />Rate Request filed by T ime Warner <br />Cable <br />An Order Finding Time Warner Cable's 2004 <br />FCC1240 Dasic Service Tier, FCC1235 Cost of <br />Service hates and FCC1205 Installation Rates <br />Comply with the FCC's Rules and arc Subject to the <br />Conditions Stated Fterein <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Cable Television Consumer <br />Protection and Competition Act of 1992 (1992 Act), the Federal Telecommunications Act of <br />1996 (1996 Act), the County Code, and regulations adopted pursuant to that Code, the County is <br />permitted to regulate rates for basic cable services and associated equipment; <br />WHEREAS, Time Warner Cable of Raleigh-Durham (Time Warner) subtitled <br />FCC 1240 Updating Amoral Maximum Permitted Rates filings for Regulated Cable Services with <br />the County. Time Warner's filings encompass external costs, inflation, and program costs for the <br />True-up period of October 2002 through September 2003, and the projected period of January <br />through December 2004; <br />WHEREAS, the County received a report from its Consultant stating that Time Watner <br />submitted its FCC 1240 before the FCC published its October 200.3 updated inflation factors; <br />Time Warner's FCC1240 rate calculations comply with the FCC's rate-making rules; <br />WHEREAS, Time Warner submitted a consolidated "Company" FCC1205 Deternining <br />Regulated Equipment and Installation Costs filing with the County to set the regulated rate for <br />the I-Iourly Service Charge, Installation Services and Equipment rental rates; <br />WHEREAS, the County is certified with the FCC to regulate basic service tier rates <br />provided by Time Warner in the County; <br />