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11 <br />Time Warner calculated the FCC1205 maximum permitted equipment12 and installation" rates <br />by aggregating its costs on a national basis. The prior year costs were aggregated on a regional <br />basis,''' <br />The guiding principle of the Cable Act of 1992,15 is to protect subscribers from unreasonable <br />rates by ensuring that cable rate levels are equivalent to rates that would be charged in the <br />presence of effective competition 1° Anecdotal evidence of rates examined in various markets <br />where Time Warner faces taste effective competition reveals that Time Warner's BST rates are <br />between 15'% to 78 % higher than those in these competitive markets and that basic cable <br />installation rates are between 200% - 4500 % higher than effectively competitive markets. The <br />GAO recently reported that "cable rates are substantially lower (by 15%) than in markets without <br />competition."t' <br />It is the Consultant's opinion the FCC's rate malting process no longer yields rates that would be <br />'"'§76.923 (c)(I) Costs of custmner equipment may 6e aggregated, on a franchise, system, regional, or <br />company level When submitting its equipment costs based on average charges, the cable operator must provide n <br />general description of the averaging methodology employed mid a justification that its averaging methodology <br />produces reasonnble equipment rates. <br />13¢76.923 (c)(3) Instnllation costs may be aggregated, on a franchise, system, regional, or company level <br />When snbmitting its installation costs based on average charges, the cable operator must provide a general <br />description of the averaging methodology employed and a justification tlmt its averaging methodology produces <br />reasonable equipment rates <br />t't7 ime Warner is treated as a single company for FCC 1205 rate-making purposes TWC tiles a single FCC <br />1205 throughout the United States with over 3000 local franchise authorities, LFAs, to establish uniform rates for <br />equipment and installation charges <br />15Specitically, the 1992 Cable Act requires the Commission's regulations "shall be designed to achieve the <br />goal of protecting subscribers of any cable system that is not subject to effective competition from rotes for the basic <br />service tier that exceed the rates that would be charged for the basic service tier if'such cable system were subject to <br />effective competition." Communications Act, ~ 623(6)(1), 47 U.S C. § 543(6)(1) <br />1~As the FCC stated in its first rate rulemaking order: "The priority established in the Act is clearly to <br />protect the interests of subscribers An important focus for both basic tier and cable programming service rates, <br />consistent with providing system operators a fair retunr, is the establishment of rate levels equivalent to rates that <br />would be charged in the presence of effective competition The criteria to be applied in setting both basic tier and <br />cable programming service rates include a comparison with 'the rates for cable systems, if any, that are subject to <br />effective competition "'See Implementation of Sections of the Cable Television Consmner Protection and <br />Competition Act of 1992, 8 FCC Rcd 56.31 at pars Band footnote 10 [April 1993 Report and Order] <br />l~tssues Related to Competitimt and Subscriber Rates in the Cable Television Industry, United States <br />General Accounting Office, October 2003. <br />Action Audits, LLC Cabte Rate, Franchise Fee, Utility Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration <br />I OI Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolinas 27513-5316 Voice tli 919 467.5392 Fax t! 919 460.6868 <br />