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23 <br /> 1 Commissioner Fowler agreed with putting the onus of the meeting on the developer. She <br /> 2 said it may be nice to have staff there because the community does have a lot of questions. She <br /> 3 said if they didn't do that, she would like for the definition of recording to be defined more clearly. <br /> 4 John Roberts, County Attorney, said he does not think of a recording as a transcript. He <br /> 5 said he thinks it would be audio or video. He said it could be specified as audio or video. <br /> 6 Chair Bedford said with the definition of recording as audio or visual, she is comfortable <br /> 7 with staff not being present to take questions. She said staff should not be in the role of <br /> 8 maintaining security. She said with an audio or video recording, there should not be a need for <br /> 9 staff to observe. <br /> 10 Commissioner Greene thanked the County Manager for the explanation of the past <br /> 11 history. She said she feels strongly that the director's recommendation is the way to go. <br /> 12 Chair Bedford asked if she was ok with the change to audio and visual. <br /> 13 Commissioner Greene said yes, but she was more concerned with making this a meeting <br /> 14 between the developer and the neighbors. <br /> 15 Vice-Chair McKee said at NIMs, sometimes there are ideas or opinions on what the UDO <br /> 16 says. He said without staff there he does not see how something could be conveyed by the <br /> 17 developer that is not consistent with the UDO. He said the public may not understand. He said <br /> 18 that he feels the proper route is to approve the Planning Board's recommendation. <br /> 19 Commissioner Hamilton thanked the County Manager for her comments. She said she <br /> 20 thinks that staff not presenting would make it clear they are not proponents. She said that it should <br /> 21 be there as observing only. She said she was involved in the Bucee's experience. She said it was <br /> 22 very confusing about what the project was and what they were doing. She said there are so many <br /> 23 issues around development the people don't have a sense of. She said that she also worries <br /> 24 about not having oversight. She said if it's not working, it could be reviewed again. <br /> 25 Commissioner Fowler said it could potentially keep the developer a little more honest. <br /> 26 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if developers could have a second meeting with the <br /> 27 community if they are not familiar with the UDO. She said she did not want to operate from a <br /> 28 position of distrust with developers. <br /> 29 Chair Bedford said in her experience developers know the UDO and have a strong legal <br /> 30 team. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 A motion was made by Vice-Chair McKee to approve the Statement of Approval and <br /> 33 Consistency (Attachment 1) and Planning Board-recommended UDO Amendments (Attachment <br /> 34 2). Commissioner Hamilton seconded the motion. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 VOTE: Ayes, 3 (Vice-Chair McKee, Commissioner Fowler, and Commissioner Hamilton); <br /> 37 Nays, 4 (Chair Bedford, Commissioner Greene, Commissioner Richards, and <br /> 38 Commissioner Portie-Ascott) <br /> 39 <br /> 40 MOTION FAILS <br /> 41 <br /> 42 A motion was made by Commissioner Greene the Statement of Approval and Consistency <br /> 43 (Attachment 1) and Planning Director-recommended UDO Amendments (Attachment 3) with the <br /> 44 additional language suggested by the County Attorney to specify immediately after the word <br /> 45 "recording," either parenthetically or separated by a comma, either "audio or "audio/video." <br /> 46 Commissioner Richards seconded the motion. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 VOTE: Ayes, 5 (Chair Bedford, Commissioner Greene, Commissioner Fowler, <br /> 49 Commissioner Richards, and Commissioner Portie-Ascott); Nays, 2 (Vice-Chair McKee <br /> 50 and Commissioner Hamilton); <br /> 51 <br />