Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> • Fairview Park Improvements - $522,500 <br /> This project will construct additional tennis/pickleball courts at Fairview Park due to increased <br /> demand.This need was identified in the last budget cycle,and funds to construct these courts <br /> were included in the Cedar Grove Park CIP project. Since that time, however, staff has <br /> determined that sufficient space and parking exists at Fairview Park (adjacent to existing <br /> courts) to construct the new courts at Fairview Park instead. <br /> • Fairview Park Mitigation - $3.0 million <br /> A portion of the Fairview Park site was used as a pre-regulatory landfill. This project includes <br /> site assessment and landfill mitigation of that portion of the property. The cost of the site <br /> assessment and remediation work are reimbursed by the State Division of Environmental <br /> Quality under a memorandum of understanding. The assessment is expected to be <br /> completed by summer 2023 which will allow the State to develop a detailed plan for the <br /> mitigation. The intensity of the mitigation work will also dictate the parameters and potential <br /> limitations for future park construction. <br /> • Mountains to Sea Trail - $100,000 <br /> The Mountains to Sea Trail is a long-term, voluntary acquisition of trail easements and trail <br /> construction, as lands are acquired and segments are connected. The FY2023-24 project is <br /> intended to provide a grant match to construct future trail sections and trailhead areas. <br /> • Implementation of Neuse River Rules for Nutrient Management- $175,000 <br /> The State-mandated Falls Lake Nutrient Management Rules call for each jurisdiction in the <br /> upper Neuse River Basin to reduce total nitrogen levels by 77% and total phosphorus levels <br /> by 40% over a period of several years to improve water quality. Compliance with these rules <br /> would be costly to each of the local governments located in the basin. However, the Upper <br /> Neuse River Basin Association has successfully secured approval of an implementation <br /> approach that would be less expensive while still protective of water quality, and includes a <br /> mix of storm water controls or wetlands improvements, conservation acquisitions and <br /> practices, and other methods. The FY2023-24 CIP recommends that $175,000 be allocated <br /> on an ongoing basis through FY2026-27 for the design and implementation of one or more of <br /> these measures in Orange County. <br /> • Perry Hills MiniPark- $80,000 <br /> During budget deliberations for the FY2022-23 Budget, the Board amended the capital <br /> budget to include$100,000 to construct a mini-park project in the Perry Hills subdivision. The <br /> mini-park is intended to make a public investment in this underserved area. As the design <br /> has proceeded, however, the original budgeted amount is not sufficient to build the planned <br /> facilities and address parking and stormwater management measures. As a result, the <br /> FY2023-24 CIP recommends an additional $80,000 to complete the project. A plan for the <br /> park is being completed this spring, working with community members. <br /> Page 1 11 <br />