Orange County NC Website
Worker's Compensationt Limits for Coverage A - Statutory State NC, for each <br />employee <br />lj,:j,:I. Co.verage B - Ernptoyers Liabitiry of: <br />$500.000 each accident, $SOO,ObO Bodily tnjury Uy <br />pllease (B lD).for each employe " <br />" J -" J <br />$500,000 for BID Iimit <br />$1 million Each Occurrence <br />$2 million Agg.egate <br />$l million Each Occurrence <br />$l million Each Occurrence <br />$2 rnillion <br />$l million Each Occurrence <br />Cyber Liability $l million Each Occurrence <br />$2 million Aggregate <br />Environmental/pollution <br />Liability <br />(Required if demolition, use <br />of hazardous material or <br />environmental ly sensitive <br />$l rnillion Each Occurrence <br />Visit the NC lndustrial commission's website for more information regarding coverage A. Also, notethat if an agency uses subcontt*tort it must require subcontractors to have workmen,scompensation insurance. <br />Please visit orange County's Risk Management page for more information about the county,sMinimum lnsurance Requirements. <br />Email address Fax number (if <br />applicable) <br />Page 1"8 of 19 <br />Onaucp Couxry3 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3B3ED7CA-61F5-4E47-87CD-95256B532A12