Orange County NC Website
Please note that late, handwritten, or incomplete applications will not be accepted. <br />Submit all documents including attachments in PDF format, This will ensure the original content and <br />formatting is preserved. Digital signatures on applications are accepted. <br />Accommodations for applicants with disabilities or those in need of technical assistance are available <br />upon request. Please contact the Orange County Sustainability Programs Manager, Amy Eckberg (919- <br />245-2626, aeckbe rg@ora to discuss what is needed. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Description of Required Attachments <br />a) Applicant Organization's Budget and Project Budget <br />Please complete the provided budget worksheets for your organization and your proposed project or submit your <br />own budget file (as long as it contains the sarne information, and in a similar format, as requested in the provided <br />worksheets. Please explain other in your budget). The Budget Worksheets file is available for download from the <br />County website hcle. Please submit the budget in PDF form as well as in the original editable Excel format. <br />b) IRS Federal Form 990 or2020 Tax Returns <br />A copy of the applicant organization's most recent Form 990 or IRS Tax Returns is required to determine eligibility. <br />The specific form depends upon the applicant organization's financial activity. Review the IRS' guide. for more <br />details. For Form 990-N (e-postcard) filers, include a copy of the postcard, with the organization's application <br />materials. <br />c) List of Board of Directors (if applicable) <br />Provide the following infonnation about each board of director's rnernber: name, telephone nurnber, and address, of <br />each member and the list rnust identifz the principal officers of the governing body, and length of term. please feel <br />fi'ee to use the template provided in Table 2 of the appendix or your own format. <br />d) Certificate of Liability Insurance <br />A copy of the applicant organization's current certificate, fi'om the organization's insurance carrier. Table I below <br />outlines insurance types and minimums required, for each jurisdiction. If exempt from Worker's Compensation <br />compliance, include a statement explaining why, with the applicant organization's application materials. <br />NOTE: Proof of insurance is not required at the time of application submission. If your agency is approved for <br />funding, documentation of insurance must be provided to the jurisdiction awarding the funding when the contract is <br />awarded. The insurance certificate should reflect the funding jurisdiction as an additional insured party and certificatc <br />holder and provide coverage for the duration ofthe funding period (two years, beginning as early as October | ,2022).If proof of insurance can only be written for one year, an update will be required for all ongoing projects. Renewal <br />ceftificates must be sent to the jurisdiction 30 days prior to any expiration date, cancellation or rnodification of any <br />stipulated insurance coverage. <br />NOTE: Upon request, insurance requirements rnay be reviewed on a case by case basis by the County. Please contact <br />the staff identified on the Submission Requirernents on Page l5 ifyou have questions or would like to request a review <br />of your insurance requirements. <br />APPENDIX <br />Table 1. Forms of Liability Insurance and Minimum Policy Amounts Required <br />g(of L9 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3B3ED7CA-61F5-4E47-87CD-95256B532A12