Orange County NC Website
. 7 HVAC replacements (gasto-heat pump) <br />. 5 Hybrid Water Heaters (gasto-electric) <br />. 2 Clothes Dryer Replacements (Gasto-Electric) <br />. 4 Stove Replacements (gasto-lnduction) <br />Based on these assumptions, we estimate that we will reduce <br />emissions based on electrification by 221.5 short tons over the <br />next 15 years through the electrification efforts associated with <br />this project. <br />ln addition to the electrification work, we assume grid-level <br />emissions reduction due to the energy efficiency work of <br />weatherization and repair. This is harder to quantify, but we'll <br />take a shot. The NC Department of Environmental Quality <br />website states that weatherization can save participants around <br />$300 per year on their energy bills. Using the Duke Energy <br />Carolina's average rate, the number of homes we plan to serve, <br />and DEC's 2021 Emissions factor, we can do a little math: <br />$300 savings x $.1057 per kwh = 2838 kwh saved/yrlhome <br />20 homes x 2B3B kwh = 56,764 kwh saved/yr <br />56,764 kwh/yr x 15 yr = 851,466 kwh saved ever 15-yr period <br />851,466 kwh x DEC 2021 Emissions Factor 0.48 = 408,703 lbs <br />408,703 lbs of CO2 I 2000 = 204.25 short tons over 15 years <br />ln total, based on our estimates, we expect that we can avoid <br />carbon emissions of 425.75 short tons over 15 years with this <br />project. <br />2L, For how many years will this <br />emissions reduction take place <br />as a result of your project? <br />Please consider the expected <br />lifetime of the <br />tech nology/progra m/i m pact <br />etc. <br />We hope that these changes will have a lasting impact on <br />emissions reduction, but for the purposes of this application, <br />we are assuming a 15-year time horizon for the emissions <br />reduction. That mirrors the life expectancy of most appliances <br />and the other improvements RTT intends to make in these <br />homes. <br />22. Please describe the location of <br />the emissions reduction. <br />Where would fossilfuels have <br />been burned if not for your <br />project? For projects creating <br />electricity usage reductions, it <br />can be difficultto determine <br />the location of the power <br />produced. Please feel free to <br />state "Grid-tied electricity <br />reduction" <br />Some of the reduction will be grid-tied electricity - projects like <br />insulation, air sealing and other energy efficiency interventions. <br />For the beneficial electrification interventions like water <br />heaters, induction stoves and other appliances, we will be <br />reducing emissions from combustion within individual homes. <br />We estimate that about 60% of the reduction will come at the <br />grid level, with the remaining 40% coming at the individual <br />home, however, those percentages could shift based on what <br />work is actually completed in each home served. <br />Page !2 of 19 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3B3ED7CA-61F5-4E47-87CD-95256B532A12