Orange County NC Website
February 21, 2023 <br />Laurie Paolicelli <br />Executive Director <br />Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau <br />308 W. Franklin Street <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />(via email) <br />DestinationNEXT Online Diagnostic Assessment & Workshop <br />Dear Laurie, <br />As discussed, we are delighted to work with you to deliver a new DestinationNEXT stakeholder <br />assessment and workshop. <br />The two deliverables are listed below: <br />1. Conduct an online assessment of key stakeholders to gain feedback from stakeholders on <br />DestinationNEXT variables for destination strength and community support, and produce a <br />detailed diagnostics report. <br />2. Hold a half-day workshop with your Board, Management Team, and/or key stakeholders to <br />discuss the results. <br />Details are provided below: <br />Online Assessment <br />The online diagnostic tool is designed to assist DMOs in conducting an objective self-assessment <br />which can help them determine priorities and strategies for the future. The tool presents a <br />framework that DMO leaders and communities can use to critically assess the destination. It also <br />helps to start a conversation and provide focus on what needs to be done in the future. The tool is <br />not intended to be a benchmarking index to rank DMOs or destinations. <br />The tool is based on 24 variables related to destination strength and community alignment. Within <br />each variable, a series of metrics are also identified which offer the opportunity for DMOs to gather <br />data and provide a more in-depth look at the variable. <br />In consultation with the client, a survey will be prepared using the DestinationNEXT 2.0 scenario <br />model. Additional questions to address some specific issues and topics can be added. An email <br />with a link to the survey will be prepared to be sent out by the client to key stakeholders. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 8890EB42-F64E-4E1E-9996-DA9AD8109FF5