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3 <br /> 1 would be helpful. She said that the ombudsmen have no power and that is very frustrating. She <br /> 2 said that it is critical to have the ombudsman <br /> 3 Shade Little said that at the end of the visit to an adult care home they provide a report to <br /> 4 management but keep it anonymous if there is a report from a resident. <br /> 5 Commissioner Fowler asked if the committee receives feedback from the state on the <br /> 6 response to their concerns. <br /> 7 Shade Little said their ombudsman is contacted. <br /> 8 Commissioner Fowler asked if trained applicants will be brought to the Board soon for <br /> 9 appointment. <br /> 10 Tara May said that she spoke with the ombudsman, and they reported that the state has <br /> 11 not started training back at this time and she is unsure when that might be done. <br /> 12 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked how often the state pays visits to adult care homes <br /> 13 Tara May said that she is unsure of that but will gladly contact Autumn Cox and schedule <br /> 14 a time for her to come speak to the Board. <br /> 15 Jacqulyn Podger presented on behalf of the Nursing Home Community Advisory <br /> 16 Committee. She said they resumed in-person visits in July 2022 to nursing homes in the <br /> 17 community. She said they are excited to be able to go and do the work they have been charged <br /> 18 to do. She said they have had challenges with recruiting. She said that it is a time commitment <br /> 19 and there are also health risks. She said that some of things they hear are not always pleasant <br /> 20 and that makes it difficult work. She said they have six members, and their allotment is ten. She <br /> 21 said that prospective members must receive training, but that the state has not resumed training. <br /> 22 She said they are recruiting heavily. <br /> 23 Commissioner Richards asked if the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee is <br /> 24 incorporated in the master aging plan. <br /> 25 Jacqulyn Podger said there is a mandate from the last Master Aging Plan. She said they <br /> 26 are going over the Master Aging Plan and seeing where they might provide support. <br /> 27 Commissioner Richards said that it seems like these two groups should be included. <br /> 28 Dr. Heather Altman said both of the committees come to the monthly meeting of the Aging <br /> 29 Advisory Board and that they are certainly linked. <br /> 30 Commissioner Richards asked if they are in the plan. <br /> 31 Janice Tyler said they were under community health and support and provided input into <br /> 32 the plan. <br /> 33 Commissioner Richards clarified that they had input into the plan. <br /> 34 Commissioner Fowler said she really appreciates what the two committees are doing to <br /> 35 protect vulnerable people. <br /> 36 Jacqulyn Podger said they believe in the residents' rights. <br /> 37 Commissioner Hamilton asked if ten members is enough to do the work. <br /> 38 Jacqulyn Podger said yes, if all of the positions were filled. <br /> 39 Keith Bagby presented on behalf of the Board of Health. He described a successful <br /> 40 collaboration of Family Success Alliance and Gateway Collaboration, with DSS, Department of <br /> 41 Housing, Human Rights and Relations, Hillsborough Police Department and Orange County <br /> 42 Schools, formed to address the needs of residents in the Gateway Community Apartments. He <br /> 43 said that is HUD property and most residents are African-American single mothers. He said that <br /> 44 the residents experience poor living conditions, domestic violence, substance abuse, reoccurring <br /> 45 child protective involvement and transportation issues. He said that no one should have to live <br /> 46 like that. He said that residents had trust issues with law enforcement, county government, and <br /> 47 the landlord. He said the coalition came together to gather information from residents. He said <br /> 48 several community events were hosted. He said there was an agreement reached between <br /> 49 property management and the coalition. He said that tutoring has been implemented, DSS and <br /> 50 the Health Department received approval from the County Manager to lease an apartment there <br /> 51 and work on site, Orange Literacy will begin offering tutoring and GED classes, local law <br />