Orange County NC Website
14 <br />Schedule B <br />Payment Schedule and List of Deliverables <br />List of Deliverables <br />The table below presents the lcey tasks and timing associated with this project. Those <br />highlighted in pink are considered key deliverables in the project: <br />Entering the data into the ICLEI software -the data collected in this project will <br />be summarized and made available to the client through the ICLEI software. <br />Presentations to Advisory Group, Transportation Advisory Committee & <br />Governing boards -the presentations will be made available to the client for <br />future use and adaptation <br />Final report -the final report will be delivered to the client in hard copy as well as <br />electronic. <br />„ <br />Pro'ect Start-U <br />Select team <br />Assi n ro'ect duties <br />Pro'ectlaunch meetin <br />Formation of Air Quali Adviso Grou <br />Meetin with ke data roviders <br />Establish ro'ect team list serve <br />Data & Information Gatherin <br />Pre are letter of authorization <br />Obtain communi inventor & documentation <br />Collect 2000 communit invento data & info <br />Collect 2000 co orate invento data & info <br />Collect historic measures data & info. <br />Simulation of unavailable data <br />Re ort to Adviso Grou on data & info <br />Receive & Vet Data Information <br />Trans ose a er records <br />Cate orize & cumulate data <br />Confirm & clarif data <br />Payment Schedule <br />The table below presents the project payment schedule and the anticipated invoice dates. <br />The payment schedule has been broken into .3-phases to simplify administration and <br />accounting procedures. <br />