Orange County NC Website
-3 <br />1.3 Proposed Timeline <br />The table below presents the proposed timeline for the project. It is anticipated that the <br />project will run over afour-month timeframe, with October as the updated start month.. <br />IES will review the timeline with the project participants during the Project Start-Up <br />phase and will update it as needed. <br />Table 2 -Timeline <br />,~ <br />Project Start-U a ~~~ ~ ~ <br />Select team <br />Assi n ro'ect duties <br />Pro'ect launch meetin <br />Formation of Air Quali Advisor Grou <br />Mee6n with ke data roviders <br />Establish ro'ect team list serve <br />Data & Information Gatherin <br />Pre are letter of authorization <br />Obtain conununi invento & documentation <br />Collect 2000 communi inventor data & info <br />Collect 2000 cor orate inventor data & info <br />Collect historic measures data & info. <br />Simulation of unavailable data <br />Re ort to Adviso Grou on data & info <br />Receive & Vet Data Information <br />Trans ose a errecords <br />Cate orize & cumulate data <br />Confirm & clarif data <br />Enter data into ICLEI software <br />Identify & Model Future Measures <br />Examine otential to ex and historic measures <br />Identif best radices throu h ICLEI network <br />Exam le ublic awareness o ortunities <br />13rainstorxnin session with Advisor Grou <br />Model Reduction Tar et <br />Create scenarios based on measures <br />Report to Advisory Group potential measures <br />& reductions <br />Re ort Pre aration <br />Write draft <br />Submit draft to Advisory Group, committees, <br />ovemin boards for comments <br />Obtain comments from reviewers <br />Revise draft into 5nal <br />Project Com letion <br />Present draft final re ort to Advisor Grou <br />Present draft final report to Transportation <br />Advisor Comunittee <br />Present draft final re ort to ovemin boards <br />Submit final re ort. <br />