Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />Hazard Mitigation Page 19 FEMA-DR-4393-0042 Orange County <br />Grant Agreement <br />A-2 <br /> <br />II. Scope of Work Summary <br /> <br />Orange County will acquire and demolish one private residential structure to return <br />the land to green space. <br /> <br />Site Location: <br /> <br />Address City State Zip Code Latitude Longitude <br />503 Brandywine Road Chapel Hill NC 28515 35.866966 -79.09215 <br /> <br /> <br />The following project conditions must be met: <br /> <br />• Any change to the approved scope of work will require re-evaluation for <br />compliance with NEPA and other Laws and Executive Orders. <br /> <br />• This review does not address all federal, state, and local requirements. <br />Acceptance of federal funding requires recipient to comply with all federal, state, <br />and local laws. Failure to obtain all appropriate federal, state, and local <br />environmental permits and clearances may jeopardize federal funding. <br /> <br />• If ground disturbing activities occur during construction, applicant will monitor <br />ground disturbance and if any potential archeological resources are discovered, <br />will immediately cease construction in that area and notify the State and FEMA. <br /> <br />Special Conditions: <br /> <br />• NHPA: If archaeological features (e.g., middens, refuse/storage pits, privies, <br />wells, cisterns) are discovered during ground disturbing activities, work in the <br />vicinity of the discovery will stop immediately and all reasonable measures will be <br />taken to avoid or minimize harm to the discovery. The applicant’s contractor will <br />ensure that archaeological discoveries are secured in place and restrict access to the <br />sensitive area. The contractor will immediately notify such discoveries to the <br />applicant, who shall then contact the Office of State Archaeology <br />(OSA)/SHPO/THPO and FEMA within 24 hours of the discovery. Work in the <br />vicinity of the discovery may not resume until FEMA has completed consultation <br />with OSA/SHPO, Tribes, and other consulting parties as necessary. <br /> <br />• NHPA: If human remains are encountered during permitted activities, all work <br />shall stop immediately and OSA/SHPO/THPO and FEMA contacted immediately, <br />with conditions followed identical to those stipulated for archaeological feature <br />discovery. In cases where human remains are determined to be Native American, <br />FEMA shall consult with the appropriate Tribal representative(s), State <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 26D0940B-F66D-4866-9C70-60056804E991DocuSign Envelope ID: B94E5F6B-897F-4461-A479-96F4BF459906DocuSign Envelope ID: 72D7F019-9C12-4921-8125-FCF8032A7011