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Article IX <br /> Process for Capital , Non - Capital , Infrastructure , and Service Delivery Projects Reporting <br /> 9 . 01 The Tax District shall be reported as a Component Unit and shall include the Orange Transit <br /> major operating and capital funds separate from any and all major funds and /or other special <br /> tax districts within the Tax District, in the body of annually audited financial statements as <br /> required by GASB standards for major funds reported by blended component units . As <br /> administrator of the Tax District, GoTriangle shall present an annually audited financial <br /> statement for the separate component unit by December 15' of the subsequent fiscal year to <br /> the Orange County Board of Commissioners, DCHC MPO Board , and GoTriangle Board of <br /> Trustees . <br /> 9 . 02 At the time of the presentation of the annually audited financial statements, GoTriangle shall <br /> present an update of the Orange County Transit Annual Work Program projects including <br /> project milestones and timelines and operations of the system . This presentation shall be <br /> considered an Annual Orange Transit Report . <br /> 9 . 03 GoTriangle, as administrator of the Tax District, shall issue the following to the parties of this <br /> agreement, as well as any associated project sponsors : <br /> a . Enhanced Quarter- 2 Report for half-year period ending December 31St , to the SWG for <br /> the Orange Transit major operating and capital funds . This Report will be due to the <br /> SWG Administrator by March 15t" . The format of this report shall be agreed upon by <br /> the Parties to this Agreement by June 30, 2023 . <br /> b . Quarterly Financial Condition Report . This report will be due 45 days after the end of <br /> each quarter which provides statement of financial condition of all program / plan <br /> implementation elements prepared in accordance with N . C . G . S . 159 -25 . Quarterly <br /> Financial Condition Report shall apply for all quarters but shall also be incorporated <br /> elements into the Enhanced Quarter- 2 and Annual Reports . <br /> 9 . 04 At the time of the submittal of the Enhanced Quarter- 2 reports, each agency that has a project <br /> funded in that fiscal year through the annual work program shall also submit an update of <br /> projects including project milestones and timelines and transit operations . The format of the <br /> Enhanced Quarter- 2 Repot and Quarterly Financial Condition Report shall be agreed upon by <br /> the Parties of this agreement by September 1 , 2023 . <br /> Article X <br /> Agreement Related Dispute Resolution <br /> It is the desire and intent of the Parties to resolve any disputes in a collaborative manner and to avoid , if <br /> possible, the expense and delay of litigation . In the event that any Party cannot resolve an issue with <br /> another Part under this Agreement, the affected party shall engage in the following process : <br />