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behalf of the SWG for review and feedback from SWG prior to GoTriangle' s issuance, <br /> approval , and release of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, adopted budget <br /> documents, and applications for Grant Funding approval ; <br /> p . Shall not issue or authorize the issuance of any Preliminary Official Statement, Official <br /> Statement, or similar securities offering documents in connection with the financing of <br /> improvements by GoTriangle unless such document has previously been submitted to <br /> Orange County for review and comments regarding the nature of the security and <br /> sources of payment of the amounts due in connection with the financing; <br /> q . Shall provide staff to serve on the SWG ; <br /> r . Shall enter into Operating or Capital Funding Agreements to study and plan public <br /> transit infrastructure Capital Projects and deliver Implementation Elements as identified <br /> within the Orange County Transit Annual Work Program , <br /> s . Shall provide required financial and status reports on Implementation Elements for <br /> which GoTriangle is responsible ( i . e . , serving as project sponsor) that are funded in - part <br /> or wholly by the Tax District, and reported for the Orange Transit major operating and <br /> capital funds; <br /> t . Shall annually review and approve required documents and perform any other actions <br /> consistent with the terms of this Agreement or powers authorized by a process to be <br /> established by SWG ; <br /> u . Shall coordinate approval of the components of the Orange County Transit Annual Work <br /> Program identified in Section 2 . 011 by the GoTriangle Board of Trustees ; <br /> v . Shall coordinate , as needed , to review and approve documents, as defined in Article II or <br /> in subsequently developed policies & procedures that support transit plan <br /> implementation , by the GoTriangle Board of Trustees; <br /> w . Shall coordinate approval of the Multi -Year Vision Plan by the GoTriangle Board of <br /> Trustees ; <br /> x . Shall comply with N . C . G . S . 143 - 6A-4 regarding submissions or award of any bid or <br /> proposals to vendors, and contractors or subcontractors for any and all operating and <br /> project agreements, <br /> y . Perform other any other actions consistent with the powers and duties set forth in <br /> N . C . G . S . 160A, Article 26 ; <br /> z . Comply with N . C . G . S . 143 - 6A4, the " Iran Divestment Act Certification " ; and <br /> aa . To the extent applicable , shall comply with 23 U . S . C . 134, 49 U . S . C . Chapter 53 , and <br /> N . C . G . S . Chapter 136 . <br /> Article VI <br /> Roles of Transit Service Providing Entities and Non -Transit Service Providing Entities <br /> 6 . 01 Transit Service Providing Entities . The Parties contemplate that the Transit Service Providing <br /> Entities, meaning any municipality or agency that directly or through contract provides public <br /> transportation services in Orange County, including but not limited to Orange County, Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and GoTriangle ( when functioning as a transit provider ) , may participate at a <br /> minimum as follows : <br />