OTHER-2023-011 Transit Governance Interlocal Agreement between Orange County Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization and Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority
Board of County Commissioners
Various Documents
2020 - 2029
OTHER-2023-011 Transit Governance Interlocal Agreement between Orange County Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization and Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority
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3/14/2023 2:30:10 PM
Creation date
3/14/2023 2:26:31 PM
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 02-21-2023; 8-d - Durham & Orange Transit Plan Governance Study – Interlocal Agreement Between OC, Durham-CH-Carr MPO, and Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 02-21-2023 Business Meeting
Agenda for February 21, 2023 BOCC Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2023\Agenda - 02-21-2023 Business Meeting
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a . Shall coordinate/align Dedicated Local Transit Funding sources with other <br /> transportation investments and state and federal funding ; <br /> b . Shall provide staff to serve on the SWG <br /> c . Shall enter into Operating and Capital Funding Agreements, for which the DCHC MPO is <br /> a party to , to study and plan public transit Capital Projects and deliver Implementation <br /> Elements as identified within the Orange County Transit Annual Work Program ; <br /> d . Shall provide required financial and status reports on Implementation Elements for <br /> which DCHC MPO is responsible ( i . e . , serving as a project sponsor) that are funded in - <br /> part or wholly by the Tax Districts <br /> e . Shall serve as the coordinating agency between the Parties, N . C . Department of <br /> Transportation , and federal agencies including but not limited to the Federal Highway <br /> Administration , the Federal Transit Administration , and the Federal Railroad <br /> Administration when coordination of regional need is deemed necessary by the SWG ; <br /> f. Shall coordinate, as needed , to review and approve documents, as defined in Article II or <br /> in subsequently developed policies & procedures that support transit plan <br /> implementation , by the DCHGMPO Executive Boards <br /> g . Shall coordinate approval of the Multi -Year Vision Plan by the DCHGMPO Executive <br /> Boards <br /> h . Shall identify projects using federal transit funding and ensure that the multi -year <br /> operating program , the Annual Operating and Capital Budgets including such projects <br /> are coordinated with the MPO ' s annual planning for projects process and <br /> Transportation Improvement Program ; <br /> i . Shall comply with N . C . G . S . 143 - 6A4, the " Iran Divestment Act Certification " ; <br /> j . When applicable and appropriate , shall apply for, secure, and direct reasonably <br /> available funding toward components of the Orange County Transit Annual Work <br /> Program consistent with its other responsibilities within the MPO ; <br /> k . Shall program and administer funding, including but not limited to grant funding, and <br /> perform all required duties to apply for, coordinate , and align transit funding if <br /> applicable and appropriate, with other transportation investment and state and federal <br /> funding; and <br /> I . Shall perform any other actions consistent with the powers and duties set forth in 23 <br /> U . S . C . 134 et seq . , 49 U . S . C . Chapter 53 and as recognized under the laws of North <br /> Carolina pursuant to N . C . G . S . Chapter 136 . <br /> 5 . 03 GoTriangle shall carry out its legal , contractual , fiscal , and fiduciary duties as a unit of <br /> local government as follows . <br /> a . Shall administer and manage the Tax District, including carrying out its legal , <br /> contractual , fiscal, and fiduciary duties; <br /> b . Shall comply with the responsibilities of a local government prescribed by the North <br /> Carolina Budget and Fiscal Control Act; <br /> c . Shall adhere to the Financial Plan as defined by this Agreement, and any amendments <br /> authorized thereto ; <br /> d . Shall adhere to the Equitable Use of Net Proceeds within or to benefit the Special <br /> District as defined in this Agreement; <br />
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