Orange County NC Website
' ~ C,. c.~ ~ (C (~ ~a K (e Y <br />Form AV--i 0 <br />(Revs-97) YEAR 20C3~ O~~SV~,C-~ I~y,~i"~ <br />APPLICATION FOR PROPER'T'Y TAX EXEMPTION G~4'~s u~,c C `~ X30 ~c_ <br />~cv~c "4'~'~ cr., <br />County ~~ _ Town or City / <br />Owner Rifai Marufi Order o£ America _ <br />Address PO Box 202 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 <br />(Street oror Route) (lawn) (Stets) ~ (21p Cade( <br />1. _ Mebane Oalcs Road _ _ <br />Location of Property ~ '-"-" <br />Under iha provisions of G. S, 105-202.7 every owner of property claiming exemption or exclusion from property taxes must demonstrate that the property <br />meets the statutory requirements for exemptlon or classillcatton, Claims for exemptlon or exWusion must be tiled with the Assessor of the county In <br />which the property is located. (see reverse side) Claims for exemption should Include all land and Improvements and personal property situated thereon <br />and complete informatlon regarding Its use, , <br />The undersigned owner or authorized representat(ve hereby pe0tlons for exemptlon of the following descrihed property: , <br />2, G(ve complete description of property:_4.37 acre wooded parcel, FIN 9820-26-9214, tract 666464 <br />Land;__ ri 37 aa~ss--. <br />Improvements: <br />Personal Property;. 2 large storage tents with church property (e. g., dishes,~tables), church <br />van <br />3, List and explain the purposes for which the property is used: <br />Land: ,-,~t;g•C~+ras _ __.., _. ~_ <br />We have site plan approval and erosion ~ <br />Court <br />Personal Property:_religious (congregational gatherings) <br />4, it any organization other than the owner uses the property, give the name o(the organization, full particulars regarding Its use of the <br />property and the amount of any Income received for such use. <br />5. Give your estimate of the true value In money of the property: <br />Land: -$ 44, 000 <br />Improvements: _._ <br />Personal Property: c,~_~ nnn _ _~ _,_„_„~ <br />6. Upon what uses or purposes do you base this claim for exemptlon? Charitable ( ); Relig(ous (X ); Educailonal <br />Literary ( ); Scienfiflc ( ); Other ~------m -- <br />7. Give the specific statutory authority upon which this property is claimed as exempt: _ ~5~~ --ate ~ ~._.~~~._ <br />(Full feasts ojall exemption and classification statntes are available ai the office ojthe county Assessor,) <br />AFFIRMATION <br />Under penalties prescribed by law, I hereby affirm that to the hest of my knowledge and belief, the statements and information In this <br />application are true and correct, and are made far the purpose of exempting t perty herein d scfibed from taxat(on. <br />Signature o~ri r or authori d representative <br />~r~~~t1~~O~~/~~~ ~ ~91~r~ C/3~ - <br />APPROVED ~ YES ~ NO ru/ e Telephone <br />