Orange County NC Website
..nV'.. ~..-. <br />I~:: <br />~-~-C. t~~'I~~ ~ t`~ ~'-113 <br />,~'~: - ' ^1:58p Orange County Tax <br />p. 1 <br />FI! r r <br />~ .: ;~ <br />i' <br />i r I,! I <br />I YEAR ~bUJ <br />APPLICATION FOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION <br />County Di'"~gvtc~G Town orCi(y ~~Cffl~I ~~! <br />_11\1~~1 JFr~et .S~t;'f¢ ~bc7 G~i~~'~1IKll~ lt/(::. '~275'I(~ <br />. 1V 1 ~. ~'~L1~L'1 „~ 1 <br />3!roel or Rowel ~~ (Town) (5161e) (Zip Godu) <br />_~03 S„u-rr •I~YL'r.f i (• ,i( ,d,,vG PiN ~~~'.?--(~'1_S5'.3`l 2`l3.bt8. <br />`'~ ` ``-~ INSTRUCTIONS <br />`~ ` ~i ~Tc r .~., bt G S. 105-22.1 every ownerol propeny daiminy exemption or exclusion Irom proporty rases mull demonstrate that the properly <br />I ) li; ~ - :...!aT• requirements for exemption or classilicalion Claims for exemption or exclusion must be tiled wish the Assessor of the county in <br />,I ~;. t. :5per:y is located. (see reverse side) Claims for exemption should Include all land and improvements and porsonal property situated thereon <br />cL~~' ,.ad.amplele information regarding its usa. - <br />° l.'-- <br />j"~ '~F~~ ih!$1uj~:~e ~~!~ned owner or authorized representative heroby petitions for exemption of the rollowing described property: <br />' <br />3~~,~ o~?'Giere description of property: Ud ca ~' ~ F - <br />.5 -- ~~rr ---- _ ~` _ _ <br />• ..1-h ~N q ~Ud ~ ~+ Il Gnr ~.,tG'. G' f~1'h ~, h 'f G ~ ~l y.el rue .n~ ~,~ ~<r~ _ <br />u. v2Tent5:. <br />( ! ___I 6G~ .1~ ,Itit,tl'. .,~,;I, clr}r~tr t ^a P _ - <br />.~. ;' and e^r.piain the purposes (or which the property is used: pp / <br />,-,._a; Frl( i'Cl~t Ubb( (rLY"tai G,~ 70YUQ G:•FM I.,r,)( ~iG. ~~1'P (! '!D ~lUVrE~I'- E+//vL~d~F7~~ 17E4~J'/!nom -_ <br />-. t- 1 -x l <br />. f~,t'.__-fir, __..__~~ <br />_Yv .lU~.l h( P i'4Sl E~Cv11-f G)Pq ~.G L,t _. <br />_: ~~~~al p.pparfy; ._ <br />!~ s,y ~ sari=anon other than the owner uses the properly, give the name of the organization, lull particulars regarding its use or the <br />_-u~-r>: and ;iie amount of any income received for such use.. ---'-" <br />5 GP: e vour estimate o(the Prue value in money of the property: <br />--- __ 1 ~,ovy __-. <br />-.. , a;,,~, R5, ovU ~~.. -- <br />e' properhe (! EUD _~_.. -_. ~' <br />;}po^:~~hai uses or purposes do yov base this claim for exemption? Charitable (i~ ); Religious ( ); Educational ( ): <br />..._~_.~; ( 1; Scienlilic ( ); Other- ---' ' <br />• ... „ -, -,,ibc sia~uory authority upon which This pioperiy is claimed as erempC <br />(Fill !ezls ojal( esempfion and classification statrttes are avnitnb(e a!!hr uffce of the cnmrtyAssessor:) <br />AFFIRPSATION <br />-.. ... _.*es prescribed by law, I hereby affirm Thal to the best o(my knowledge and belier. the stalemen(s and information in this <br />- ..r .. s .: .,_ ,.., cerrecl, and are made for the purpose of exemptin the property herein described Irom taxation.. <br />- $ig7dur • of o~ner or authorized representative <br />.> I~ <br />_ . _... ^. '!ES ~ NO lice rtdannone No <br />