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22 <br /> 2. Applications requesting the approval of Special Use Permit (SUP); <br /> 3. Variance requests from the minimum requirements of the UDO; and <br /> 4. Other matters as required by state law, the UDO and/or the BOCC. <br /> What are your Board/Commission's most important accomplishments? <br /> 1. Successfully deciding appeals, variances and SUPs per the state statue and <br /> UDO requirements without any higher appeals or legal challenges. <br /> 2. Successfully meeting virtually and/or in person during the COVID crisis. <br /> 3. Adapting its rules and process to meet the new requirements of 160D-302. <br /> 4. Successfully appointing all the required and alternate BOA seats for the first time <br /> in over 10-years. <br /> 5. Revising the applications, required materials and published calendars to make <br /> the process simpler, quicker and more accessible to the public. <br /> List of Specific Tasks, Events, or Functions Performed or Sponsored Annually. <br /> N/A <br /> Describe this board/commission's activities/accomplishments in carrying out <br /> BOCC goal(s)/priorities, if applicable. <br /> 1. Successfully meeting state and UDO requirements for BOAs. <br /> Describe the collaboration relationship(s) this particular board has with other <br /> advisory boards and commissions? <br /> 1. Operationally none. The BOA is by definition an independent, autonomous <br /> quasi-judicial decision making body. <br /> 2. Administratively, BOA's meeting needs and support is coordinated alongside the <br /> Planning Board. <br /> Identify any activities this board/commission expects to carry out in 2023 as they <br /> relate to established BOCC goals and priorities. If applicable, is there a fiscal <br /> impact (i.e., funding, staff time, and other resources) associated with these <br /> proposed activities (please list). <br /> 1. Continuing to improve the process and public information about the BOA. <br /> 2. Minimize addition Staff and funding needs to the extent legally possible (e.g. <br /> streamlining the review process and legal notification processes). <br /> What are the concerns or emerging issues your board has identified for the <br /> upcoming year that it plans to address, or wishes to bring to the Commissioners' <br /> attention? <br /> 1. Continuing to meet the requirements caused by NCGS §160D-302. <br />