Orange County NC Website
4011 university drive, suite 300, durham, nc 27707 post office box 51579, durham, nc 27717-1579 <br />TELEPHONE 919 490 0500 FAX 919 490 0873  <br />the like. Any expenses, such as third-party printing costs, recording fees, etc., will be billed directly to you. <br />Our fees for this engagement will not exceed $5,000.00. <br />Our billing statements are prepared and emailed to the address written above during the month <br />following the month in which services are rendered and costs advanced. Payment is due upon receipt of <br />invoice. If there is a closing, we reserve the right to collect remaining fees and expenses owed at closing. <br />We will both have the right to terminate our representation at any time. <br />Your obligation to pay our fees and costs incurred on your behalf is not contingent and is not based <br />on the consummation of any closing or the occurrence of any specific event or result. This means our fees <br />relating to the acquisition are payable whether or not the transaction is completed. <br />We have the right to destroy client files six years after the conclusion of representation, and we <br />may destroy them earlier with client consent. We will use the email address set forth above for our bills <br />and other communication with you until you provide us with alternate information in writing. Either of us <br />may terminate our attorney-client relationship at any time. <br />IV.Client Identification <br />Our client in this matter is Orange County (the “County”). Use of the terms “you” and “yours” <br />herein refer to the County as an entity. <br />Please review the foregoing and, if it meets with your approval, attach it to the County’s Services <br />Agreement to form the basis of our engagement. We will not undertake any work on your behalf and no <br />attorney-client relationship will be formed unless we receive a copy of this memo executed by all relevant <br />parties. I look forward to working with you. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 35A18A2E-C1C7-417D-89C8-D622FFCBC5F0