Orange County NC Website
Scope of Work (Rev. 06/11) <br />monitoring will take place annually with a minimum of 20% of the subrecipients receiving <br />monitoring visits/virtual monitoring. Monitoring visits/virtual monitoring may also be <br />conducted when a subrecipient is having continued concerns or received a finding in the <br />past year. Findings are issued when it is determined that a service recipient or incurred <br />expense was ineligible under ESG regulations. Other monitoring outcomes include <br />recommendations which are suggestions to improve a program and concerns which are <br />issues that if not resolved could lead to a finding. Failure to stay in program compliance <br />and/or to develop a corrective action plan as a result of findings from a monitoring review <br />may result in loss of funding or other actions to recover ineligible costs. <br /> REIMBURSEMENTS <br />Sub-recipients complete the reimbursement request by submitting a PDF of the complete <br />reimbursement including client logs, invoices, time sheets, pay stubs, and check copies as <br />applicable. Reimbursement requests are reviewed for accuracy and completeness of all <br />back-up documentation. Reimbursements are then submitted to the DAAS budget office for <br />further review and lastly, they are submitted to the Office of the Controller for request for <br />payment from HUD. The Controller’s Office receives acceptance of the reimbursement from <br />HUD and issues payment to the subrecipient. <br />Contract Number 00045595 / Page 12 of 27 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 38483A0E-2707-4763-8263-42C2F7C43A91