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Scope of Work (Rev. 06/11) <br />assistance, and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention <br />activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus. People experiencing <br />homelessness shall not be required to receive treatment or perform any other prerequisite <br />activities as a condition for receiving assistance. Pre-award costs are eligible <br />Services to be provided: <br /> RRH Financial Assistance: Rapid Re-housing financial services are used to assist <br />individuals with expenses associated with obtaining housing. This includes: on-going <br />rental assistance, rental arrears, rental application fees, security and utility deposits, <br />utility payments, last month's rent, and moving costs <br /> RRH Services: Rapid Re-housing services include housing search and placement, <br />housing stability case management, landlord-tenant mediation, tenant legal services, <br />credit repair <br /> Prevention Financial Assistance: Prevention FA provides financial assistance to <br />persons at risk of becoming homeless. The costs of homelessness prevention are only <br />eligible to the extent that the assistance is necessary to help the program participant <br />regain stability in their current housing or move into other permanent housing and <br />achieve stability in that housing. Eligible costs include rental assistance, rental arrear, <br />rental application fees, security and utility deposits, utility payments, last month's rent, <br />and moving costs. <br /> Prevention Services: Services provide case management services to individuals who <br />face the risk of becoming homeless. Eligible services include housing search and <br />placement, housing stability case management, landlord-tenant mediation, tenant legal <br />services, credit repair. <br /> <br />PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />The ESG program operates on a reimbursement basis. Subrecipient is required to submit <br />monthly reimbursement requests. These are requests for expenses already incurred by the <br />subrecipient which must include documentation of the expense such as client logs, receipts, <br />pay stubs, timesheets, and check copies. Requisitions must be submitted within 45 days of <br />the last day of the month for which the subrecipient is requisitioning per HUD regulation. <br />Incorrect submissions delay and effect spending. All requisitions incorrect or incomplete will <br />be returned for correction and will not be submitted for payment until corrections are <br />received. Program compliance with both HUD and State regulation must be followed as a <br />condition of continued funding. Failure to stay in compliance and/or to develop a corrective <br />action plan as a result of findings deriving from a monitoring review may result in loss of <br />funding. <br />Subrecipients are required to enter all client level data into the Homeless Management <br />Information System (HMIS). HMIS data will be used to submit quarterly reports to HUD. <br />Subrecipients will work the local system administrator and the ESG Office to meet quarterly <br />reporting requirements and deadlines. Overall program compliance rate will be no less than <br />80% in all measure requirements. <br /> PERFORMANCE STANDARDS <br />Subrecipient must remain in compliance with all HUD ESG federal regulations, <br />requirements, and guidelines. The ESG Office will conduct monitoring to evaluate <br />subrecipient compliance. It is expected that monitoring outcomes will yield 90% or more <br />compliance with HUD regulations for client file reviews and fiscal reviews. <br /> PERFORMANCE MONITORING/QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN <br />All subrecipients are monitored once per quarter via desk review. On-site or virtual <br />Contract Number 00045595 / Page 11 of 27 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 38483A0E-2707-4763-8263-42C2F7C43A91