Orange County NC Website
Scope of Work (Rev. 06/11) <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br /> BACKGROUND <br />The NC ESG program is a reimbursable grant program established by the McKinney-Vento <br />Homeless Assistance Act (Public Law 100-77, Public Law 100-628) as amended by the <br />Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (HEARTH <br />Act). The HEARTH Act authorized the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program for <br />providing assistance to persons and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. <br />These programs and services are carried out by community organizations that apply for, and <br />are awarded, NC ESG funds on an annual basis. These funds are a formula grant <br />appropriated by Congress to the United States Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development with the intention to: (1) engage homeless individuals and families living on <br />the street; (2) improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless <br />individuals and families; (3) help operate these shelters; (4) provide essential services to <br />shelter residents, (5) rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families, and (6) prevent <br />families and individuals from becoming homeless. NC ESG funds are intended to be used <br />as part of a crisis response system using a low barrier, housing-focused approach to ensure <br />that homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. <br />The funds under the CARES Act may only be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to <br />coronavirus, among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless <br />assistance, and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention <br />activities to mitigate the impacts created by coronavirus. People experiencing <br />homelessness shall not be required to receive treatment or perform any other prerequisite <br />activities as a condition for receiving assistance. <br /> PURPOSE <br />In order to address the COVID-19 pandemic, HUD is providing a supplemental allocation of <br />ESG funds as authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) <br />Act, Public Law 116-136. These special ESG-CV funds are to be used to prevent, prepare <br />for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) among individuals and families <br />who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance. The funds will also support additional <br />homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impacts of <br />COVID-19. This first allocation, totaling $1 billion, was based on HUD’s FY 2020 formula <br />allocation. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will <br />administer North Carolina’s non-entitlement ESG funds. NCDHHS is seeking proposals for <br />up to $16.58 million in Emergency Solutions Grant CARES Act (ESG-CV) funding for <br />homeless services providers in North Carolina to assist with responding to the COVID-19 <br />public health crisis, subject to the availability and appropriation of funds. <br />The purpose of this contract is: <br /> ESG funds are intended to be used as part of a crisis response system using a low <br />barrier, housing-focused approach to ensure that homelessness is “rare, brief, and one <br />time”; <br /> Engage homeless individuals and families living on the street; <br /> Improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and <br />families; <br /> Help operate emergency shelters; <br /> Provide essential services to emergency shelter residents; <br /> Rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families; <br /> Prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless. <br />The funds under the CARES Act may only be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to <br />coronavirus, among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless <br />Contract Number 00045595 / Page 10 of 27 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 38483A0E-2707-4763-8263-42C2F7C43A91