Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Slide #7 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> .")} 1"I I�'A r{13.I NA <br /> David Stancil said the Parks and Recreation Council recommended approval of the <br /> proclamation. <br /> Chair Bedford said it would be great to integrate The Year of the Trail with the Arts project <br /> happening in July and August. She said people could go for a hike and enter into the towns for <br /> the arts. She said he could also work with the Visitor's Bureau to get the word out about the trails. <br /> David Stancil said that was a great idea and he will talk to the Arts Commission and <br /> Visitor's Bureau. <br /> Commissioner Greene said Chair Bedford is talking about the Uproar, and agreed that's <br /> a great idea. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked how the additional state funding for trails is being distributed. <br /> David Stancil said they are currently determining how to disseminate it. He said he is <br /> currently waiting for guidance on how grants or other awards might work. He also introduced Bill <br /> Boyarsky of Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. <br /> Bill Boyarsky said he is the task force leader and manages volunteer efforts to maintain <br /> trails in Orange County. He said there is typically a volunteer work day once a month with 20-30 <br /> volunteers. He said the projects have ranged from invasive species removal around the <br /> Occoneechee Speedway, fixing Cane Creek bridge, bringing trails up to state parks standards. <br /> He said this is all for the goal of connecting Gold Park to Seven-Mile Creek through Occoneechee <br /> Mountain. He said they have also done work on JM Johnson reserve trail, which is soon to be <br /> turned over to Eno River State Park. He said they were also instrumental in connecting a land- <br /> owner that was interested in selling with the Eno River State Park, which resulted in the addition <br /> of a 7 acre block of land. He said he appreciates Orange County and DEAPR for their partnership. <br /> Commissioner Fowler thanked him for all of his work and read the following proclamation: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PROCLAMATION <br /> 2023 YEAR OF THE TRAIL <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County's natural beauty is critical to its residents' quality of life, health, and <br /> economic wellbeing; and <br />