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During discussions that led to the BOCC's last endorsement of the plan, several <br />Commissioners expressed only qualified support for the plan and stated that they would be <br />interested in revisiting certain aspects of the plan prior to any future endorsements, Staff has <br />been receiving input from Commissioners over the intervening months on preferred <br />modifications to the plan and now believes the necessary changes have been made based on <br />that guidance. Staff now believes the plan is ready for presentation to the public and <br />consideration by the various Boards, It should be Hated that the BOCC has indicated support <br />for maintaining the 61 percent waste reduction goal. <br />The substantive changes/revisions to the plan include: <br />• removal of the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), <br />• addition of relocation of the existing recyclable materials processing pad, <br />• significant reduction in the pace of expansion of rural curbside recycling collections, <br />• elimination of the substantial expansion of recycling services far the Han-residential sector, <br />and <br />• elimination of the opportunity (due to limited processing capability) to collect several new <br />materials. <br />These changes were made in part due to: <br />• the financial uncertainty of the solid waste enterprise fund and the current need for <br />alternative financing before a commitment is made for significant additional expenditures <br />(i.e. balance level of likely new fees with waste reduction commitment), <br />• the state as a whole has not only not achieved its goals but actually significantly increased <br />amount of waste landfilled, <br />• the County's current level of funding is already significant and the state provides virtually no <br />financial assistance, and <br />• Orange County's existing staccess (leading the state with 45 percent) in reducing waste. <br />Following the public hearing, staff can make any additional revisions, as directed by the BOCC, <br />and then submit a revised plan to the three towns to allow them to proceed with their individual <br />processes for consideration and adoption. A draft resolution is attached which would endorse <br />the plan tapdate and allow it to be finalized and submitted. <br />The draft plan was discussed at the January 8, 2004 Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB) <br />meeting. The SWAB discussed preparing and submitting a letter to the BOCC offering its <br />comments on the plan. That letter is still under development by SWAB members, <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact related to conducting the public hearing. <br />The financial impact of the actual solid waste management plan is considerable and is being <br />discussed relative to ongoing budgetary and alternative financing deliberations. New solid <br />waste fees will likely be implemented in FY 2004/05. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive public comment, <br />direct staff to make any necessary revisions to the Plan, and consider adoption of the attached <br />resolution endorsing the 3-Year Update of Orange County's Solid Waste Management Plan at <br />this or a subsequent BOCC meeting. <br />