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18 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 493 approved it so this is roughly what it would cost me to do that so let me go that route versus the other route but they are <br /> 494 not armed with that information and the trailer is just faster and we are in the world of I need it immediately. <br /> 495 <br /> 496 Charity Kirk: Do you want to make a proposal to disallow mobile homes to be efficiencies to remove that. <br /> 497 <br /> 498 Adam Beeman: I would but I don't think it would get very far. <br /> 499 <br /> 500 Lamar Proctor: I spent part of my childhood in a trailer and I don't have anything against trailers but I do see the point of <br /> 501 allowing a depreciating asset to stand as real estate is a financially economically losing proposition in the long run. <br /> 502 <br /> 503 MOTION BY Adam Beeman to remove mobile homes from the amendment so that they are not allowed at all and <br /> 504 everything else stands. Seconded by Lamar Proctor. <br /> 505 MOTION FAILED 7—2(PROCTOR,BEEMAN) <br /> 506 <br /> 507 MOTION BY Charity Kirk to approve the Statement of Approval and Consistency in the proposed text amendment with <br /> 508 adopted Orange County plans in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2. Seconded by Randy Marshall. <br /> 509 MOTION PASSED 6—3(PROCTOR,BEEMAN,GILFILLEN) <br /> 510 <br /> 511 <br /> 512 Cy Stober introduced Taylor Perschau, Current Planning and Zoning Supervisor, to the Planning Board. <br /> 513 <br /> 514 <br /> 515 AGENDA ITEM 11: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 516 Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. <br /> 517 <br /> 518 <br /> 519 Adam Beeman, Chair <br />