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17 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 439 putting them in a home to live separate but being able to be cared for. We are talking about this as if it's only renting or <br /> 440 renters and affordable housing but it's also a support for folks with aging parents and family members. <br /> 441 <br /> 442 Adam Beeman: I understand it, I just feel like you are putting those people in the hole to begin with it's like forcing them <br /> 443 to go buy a car with 40% interest. I need the car so I'm going to do what I got to do and you're putting them in a house <br /> 444 and they are already behind the 8-ball as far as being efficient and a long-term solution. I understand there is a short- <br /> 445 term solution, I am completely in agreement with you. If they are building a home, park it temporarily and get it off when <br /> 446 done building the home. Long-term, I just don't see why you would want to let that in the door so that these <br /> 447 underprivileged or low-income people just have to pay exorbitant heating and air-conditioning costs because the thing is <br /> 448 not efficient. They are built to federal standards and not state and local regulation. I find it hard to believe that these <br /> 449 people are manufacturing something that is going to be of value to the low-income. <br /> 450 <br /> 451 Beth Bronson: This opens up a market for secondary mobile home purchases. To Melissa's point, and staffs, in adding <br /> 452 it you are expanding your options for the community to have access to affordable housing. Or giving access to families to <br /> 453 incorporate the needs of their parents or children. For reasons that are none of our business, as to why they might need <br /> 454 an accessory dwelling unit that might need to be a mobile home that wouldn't be up to your standards personally but that <br /> 455 are federal standards that are already set and that information is available going into bringing that mobile home onto <br /> 456 their property. <br /> 457 <br /> 458 Adam Beeman: It starts at$40,000 up to$150,000 and I don't see$150,000 for a trailer when you could build the same <br /> 459 stick built thing for an equivalent price and have something that is appreciating in value. <br /> 460 <br /> 461 Charity Kirk: That's not up to us to give people that value judgement. <br /> 462 <br /> 463 Statler Gilfillen: Forget about homes,we have a lot of existing old antique farm houses without building on there that are <br /> 464 no longer functioning as farms in Orange County. The option, the existing house may have an updated septic system <br /> 465 more than adequate for the house the question becomes the conversion of the outbuildings into what might be an 800 <br /> 466 sq.ft, less than 1,000 sq.ft. unit that follows the historic configuration of that site. Under this ordinance,you are only <br /> 467 allowed 1 unit on your site. <br /> 468 <br /> 469 Tyler Sliger: Yes. <br /> 470 <br /> 471 Statler Gilfillen: You have the right to appeal for the possibility for a second one and I raise the question on this <br /> 472 financially, as an architect, if someone owns an existing house and a shedthat are in exceptionally good condition, or <br /> 473 were historically there,to rebuild them on that site is visually a positive thing and for the owner,where it is tied together <br /> 474 as one system,you've got a landlord sitting right there on the site to control how it is rented. That can be a very positive <br /> 475 social aspect of this type of law. To allow more than one unit on a site. The construction standards typically with tiny <br /> 476 houses not with the trailers that are bought from the cheapest vendor. <br /> 477 <br /> 478 Tyler Sliger: Anything that is proposed is going to have to be passed by building inspections. <br /> 479 <br /> 480 Statler Gilfillen: Is it possible to put a second unit on a site like that within an appeal. <br /> 481 <br /> 482 Tyler Sliger: Possibly,that would be up to the Board of Adjustment. <br /> 483 <br /> 484 Lamar Proctor: I do have concerns that as soon as you allow this everyone in the County could conceivably pop a <br /> 485 mobile home on their property,get approval and start and become landlords. <br /> 486 <br /> 487 Tyler Sliger: They can do that right now. <br /> 488 <br /> 489 Melissa Poole: You are focusing on the mobile home when there are a lot of people. <br /> 490 <br /> 491 Adam Beeman: I understand that we need affordable housing but I think the County could go ahead and come up with <br /> 492 some generic blueprints for a home equal to the size of the trailer and that people would know the County has already <br />