Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 384 Adam Beeman: I don't see it there but is it in the text about requirements for septic system that it can't go if the septic <br /> 385 system is not capable. <br /> 386 <br /> 387 Tyler Sliger: That is the basic building permit. If Environmental Health is not going to sign off on it then you don't get a <br /> 388 building permit. <br /> 389 <br /> 390 Adam Beeman: The only other big thing that I have is we specifically didn't allow mobile homes so why the change? I'm <br /> 391 not a fan of those. <br /> 392 <br /> 393 Tyler Sliger: A lot of people are requesting mobile homes,they can't afford stick built homes and I talked to a developer <br /> 394 today that they don't make modular 1,000 sq.Units so people can't get affordable homes. <br /> 395 <br /> 396 Adam Beeman: The smallest trailer I found was$40.000 and it goes up to$150,000. 1 don't really see those as <br /> 397 affordable either. I find it interesting that we are going essentially put a car out in the yard and let it rot. The <br /> 398 manufactured home meets federal standards and not local regulations and guidelines. They get to supersede everybody <br /> 399 because it the federal. I don't see why we want to allow it. It's not going to be beneficial for the landlord or the tenant in <br /> 400 the long run. It's an immediate fix but long-term it is not the path that we should be going down in Orange County. <br /> 401 <br /> 402 Beth Bronson: Is there a year build requirement? <br /> 403 <br /> 404 Tyler Sliger: No. <br /> 405 <br /> 406 Beth Bronson: So a mobile home from 1975 could be placed on a residence and considered an accessory dwelling the <br /> 407 same as a mobile home build in 2020? <br /> 408 <br /> 409 Tyler Sliger: Correct but no matter what the building permit has to be issued so if it doesn't meet the specs, it doesn't <br /> 410 meet the specs, and a permit would not be issued. <br /> 411 <br /> 412 Randy Marshall: I can drive up and down Orange County roads and there are abandoned mobile homes with vines <br /> 413 growing in it and at one time there was a nuisance ordinance that was enforced to pull those off and people had to get <br /> 414 rid of them but apparently it's no longer used or is no longer enforced. My concern here is not what is stated here but <br /> 415 what do you do because old mobile homes deteriorate more rapidly than more permanently built structures. Is there <br /> 416 anywhere in the ordinance that is being enforced that when these become no longer livable or serviceable that they have <br /> 417 to be removed? <br /> 418 <br /> 419 Cy Stober: The Nuisance Code does speak to odor, vermin,creating any sort of noxious environment and respond to <br /> 420 complaints. If a complaint is given to the Planning Department,we have to make a determination whether it falls under <br /> 421 the County Ordinance or the Development Ordinance and qualify as a nuisance that we can enforce as staff or we must <br /> 422 direct it to the Sheriffs Office. They would enforce through that route or through minimum housing code which is a <br /> 423 combination of, depending on the situation, the Housing Department or the Inspection Department but we will process a <br /> 424 complaint. <br /> 425 <br /> 426 Charity Kirk: And then what happens with the processing? <br /> 427 <br /> 428 Cy Stober: We do have an abatement avenue we can pursue. It's a civil matter so we notify the property owner a <br /> 429 minimum of 42 days and allow for 21 days of compliance followed by another 21 days of warning and then if it falls under <br /> 430 our ordinance then we can proceed to civil penalties and following a period of inaction we can remedy the issue and <br /> 431 abate the property, basically put a lien on it. For absentee landlords, especially those in other states,that approach is <br /> 432 minimally effective. The amendment was forged through discussion with Current Planning and myself and we included <br /> 433 mobile homes as an allowance and affordability and equity and accessibility to both tenants but also for first time home <br /> 434 owners in the County where we have an acknowledged affordability concern. I hear your concerns and I'm not <br /> 435 completely surprised but we were trying to offer as many options and flexibility to the residents of the County. <br /> 436 <br /> 437 Melissa Poole: Personally, I don't have an issue with it. I certainly know people,those of us who have extensive <br /> 438 amounts of property that are blessed with that. I know people who have brought in trailers for elderly parents rather than <br />