3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet
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3/2/2023 4:54:03 PM
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3/2/2023 4:44:53 PM
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Regular Meeting
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14 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 275 Charity Kirk I would make a motion to discuss at a future date to increase the mailing radius. <br /> 276 <br /> 277 Lamar Proctor: I stand by my proposition that 1,000 feet is woefully inadequate. I did not consider Cy's statement that it <br /> 278 would create a incongruence between statutory, mandated notice requirements and voluntary notice requirements and 1 <br /> 279 do think that is going to give somebody a headache. I do think that this is an issue so my concern is that anything that <br /> 280 we discuss that isn't a change to the LIDO at this point is going to be months, maybe years before the opportunity comes <br /> 281 to modify the LIDO. <br /> 282 <br /> 283 Cy Stober: If you give us a deadline,we would have to report back to you by a certain date. I would ask that it not be <br /> 284 over the holidays or for the January meeting but we would come back to you at a future Planning Board date after we <br /> 285 have discussed it with the County Attorney's Office and have a brief information discussion item perhaps on an agenda <br /> 286 without a lot of other particularly public hearing matters or that we have enough time to discuss it in depth. <br /> 287 <br /> 288 Randy Marshall: I propose that we take advantage of your offer and that you bring it back to us when you are ready. <br /> 289 <br /> 290 Lamar Proctor: I withdraw the motion but I would make a motion to ask Planning staff to investigate potential expansion <br /> 291 of NIM notification and report back to the Planning Board in 120 days. <br /> 292 <br /> 293 Randy Marshall: I second <br /> 294 <br /> 295 Beth Bronson: Is it just the NIM? <br /> 296 <br /> 297 Lamar Proctor: I don't think you can mess with notification requirements for other things that are mandated by statute. <br /> 298 Since the NIM is voluntary, my thinking is that people in the County don't know something is happening until the ground <br /> 299 is breaking and they want to know why it is in their backyard and by that point it is way too late. I am trying to serve the <br /> 300 citizens of Orange County to get a little bit greater increase in notice so that the word spreads. <br /> 301 <br /> 302 Overlapping conversations <br /> 303 <br /> 304 Adam Beeman: The motion is for the planning staff to come back within 120 days to discuss the potential expansion of <br /> 305 the notification range on the NIMs? <br /> 306 <br /> 307 Lamar Proctor: Yes <br /> 308 <br /> 309 Charity Kirk: Notification range in general if possible. <br /> 310 <br /> 311 MOTION BY Lamar Proctor to ask Planning staff to investigate potential expansion of NIM notification and report back to <br /> 312 the Planning Board in 120 days. Seconded by Randy Marshall. <br /> 313 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY <br /> 314 <br /> 315 Adam Beeman: So now I need a motion to approve. <br /> 316 <br /> 317 Overlapping conversations <br /> 318 <br /> 319 MOTION BY Charity Kirk to approve the LIDO text amendment for the Neighborhood Information Meetings with the <br /> 320 approved amendment and the Statement of Consistency. Seconded by Beth Bronson. <br /> 321 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY <br /> 322 <br /> 323 <br /> 324 AGENDA ITEM 9: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE(UDO)TEXT AMENDMENT—FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT SIGNATURE <br /> 325 BLOCKS-To make a recommendation to the BOCC on proposed amendments to the LIDO that would <br /> 326 remove the school district signature block on the final subdivision plats. This item was introduced at <br /> 327 the October 5, 2022 ORC meeting and is scheduled for a BOCC public hearing in January. <br /> 328 PRESENTER: Tyler Sliger, Planner 11 <br /> 329 <br />
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