3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet
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3/2/2023 4:54:03 PM
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3/2/2023 4:44:53 PM
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13 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 220 Beth Bronson: They did explain how they had gone to add that text amendment and they were told by the legal not to so <br /> 221 even though we are making this motion, I'm not really sure what could happen. <br /> 222 <br /> 223 Charity Kirk: Were you told be legal not to? <br /> 224 <br /> 225 Cy Stober: We were advised by counsel not to have that be the sole method of representation of the meeting. <br /> 226 <br /> 227 Lamar Proctor: So it doesn't fall upon staff to verify the meeting in any way. Their role would be very limited and it seems <br /> 228 to me that these LIDO amendments greatly reduce the current workload on staff in terms of NIMs. <br /> 229 <br /> 230 MOTION BY Randy Marshall that a planning staff member attend NIM meetings, not to run them but to be there to clarify <br /> 231 or answer questions. Seconded by Lamar Proctor <br /> 232 MOTION PASSED 7—2(BEEMAN,KIRK) <br /> 233 <br /> 234 MOTION BY Lamar Proctor to expand the notice distance from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet. <br /> 235 <br /> 236 Lamar Proctor: Since staff is not having to do it, it is up to the applicant to do it. I move to expand because given the <br /> 237 rural nature of the much of Orange County that the vast expanse of spaces that I think the notice requirement, I would <br /> 238 move to amend the notice distance from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet. <br /> 239 <br /> 240 Charity Kirk: Is that appropriate in this? <br /> 241 <br /> 242 Cy Stober: It will need to be reviewed by legal counsel. There are statutory requirements about public notification within <br /> 243 160D and about consistency and how we notify but as Tyler presented, NIMs are voluntary and are not governed by <br /> 244 statute in nearly the same way a public hearing or Planning Board meeting is. That will need to be run by them but we <br /> 245 can communicate and if we need to come back to the Planning Board with that with further commentary we will. <br /> 246 Otherwise it would be added to the Planning Board's recommendation and presented to the BOCC as such. <br /> 247 <br /> 248 Randy Marshall: I think we need a broader discussion of that and not just have that here. Again, I would like to have a <br /> 249 scale and not a flat square footage area. <br /> 250 <br /> 251 Cy Stober: If I may, I do have a concern about having different public notification requirement for Neighborhood <br /> 252 Information Meetings versus Public Hearings and Planning Board meetings and essentially the different threshold being <br /> 253 applied for public notification but really the only qualitative difference is whether its governed by statute or not. It does <br /> 254 give me pause, I do have concerns about the legal review and I think it is deeper water than it may first seem. I am <br /> 255 happy if directed by the Planning Board this evening to discuss it with legal, to pursue the amendment further and have <br /> 256 the staff opinion for presentation to the Planning Board if that is the wish of the Board. <br /> 257 <br /> 258 Adam Beeman: I think it needs discussed further at a different meeting because I'd like to discuss the costs that you are <br /> 259 going to put on the applicant now by more than doubling his area that he has to reach out to. <br /> 260 <br /> 261 Charity Kirk: Can we separate it out from this? <br /> 262 <br /> 263 Cy Stober: It already is—Mr. Proctor's amendment is separate from the text amendment. <br /> 264 <br /> 265 Charity Kirk: Are we ready to approve this and then can we ask for you to review Mr. Proctor's amendment. <br /> 266 <br /> 267 Cy Stober: He has made a motion, if there is a second or if the motion dies. <br /> 268 <br /> 269 Charity Kirk: But that's separate from this? <br /> 270 <br /> 271 Cy Stober: Yes. <br /> 272 <br /> 273 Lamar Proctor: I did make the motion so I can either withdraw it or no one can second it. <br /> 274 <br />
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