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12 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 165 Lamar Proctor: My concern is that a developer speaking to a poor or more rural or less educated, socioeconomically <br /> 166 depressed area that a developer can take extreme advantage and either directly or indirectly misinform the public. <br /> 167 There is just so much information that most people don't understand about this process that a developer who is looking <br /> 168 to make money and profit does not have a vested interest in properly informing the public about these things. <br /> 169 <br /> 170 Beth Bronson: We would have a recording of that at a public hearing. <br /> 171 <br /> 172 Lamar Proctor: Having a recording of a bunch of people being misinformed doesn't do anything. <br /> 173 <br /> 174 Charity Kirk: The debate is down to whether we require staff to be there or not. Should we vote for it the way it is or is <br /> 175 there discussion about something else? <br /> 176 <br /> 177 Melissa Poole: Is there a balance for any of these scenarios that have been brought forth? <br /> 178 <br /> 179 Cy Stober: I appreciate the concern being expressed. The intention which is not explicit in the text and we can make <br /> 180 explicit, is that the submittal 14 days prior to the deadline for notification,whether it is the Planning Board meeting or the <br /> 181 staff administrative approval, is to allow staff to reject the NIM if we find evidence of misinformation. That is the intention. <br /> 182 If we need to make that explicit that can be done. Staff reserves the right to determine whether the NIM accurately <br /> 183 represented the project or not. That is another approach we can take. <br /> 184 <br /> 185 Melissa Poole: So yes there is a checks and balance to that then my preference would be to explicitly state it. I think <br /> 186 you would agree that you would want it to be explicitly stated. You want them to state that staff can reject on any sort of <br /> 187 misinformation or misleading anyone. <br /> 188 <br /> 189 David Blankfard: This can cut both ways, the people attending can say they were told the wrong thing off the record so 1 <br /> 190 think if we had a staff witness but not necessarily participate, it will keep the developer in line and keep the citizens in <br /> 191 line. I think there should be a recording but I think that staff should be required or recommended to attend. <br /> 192 <br /> 193 MOTION BY Randy Marshall that a planning staff member attend NIM meetings, not to run them but to be there to clarify <br /> 194 or answer questions. Seconded by Lamar Proctor <br /> 195 <br /> 196 Adam Beeman: Just so we're clear,you are requiring them to attend the NIMs. <br /> 197 <br /> 198 Randy Marshall: A planning staff member be in attendance at a NIMs meeting. <br /> 199 <br /> 200 David Blankfard: Along with all the other requirements of being recorded and being 14 days and etc. <br /> 201 <br /> 202 Randy Marshall: That's the only thing I am proposing to add. <br /> 203 <br /> 204 Overlapping conversations <br /> 205 <br /> 206 Beth Bronson: It's a motion to see who all on this Board is interested in having this go back. <br /> 207 <br /> 208 Adam Beeman: Requiring them to go to the meeting. That's what we are after right now are we going to approve a motion <br /> 209 to require a staff member to attend the NIM. Is that about what you are saying? You have Lamar's second. <br /> 210 <br /> 211 Statler Gilfillen: This is asking for more time for your staff to do something in particular, do you have a comment about <br /> 212 that? <br /> 213 <br /> 214 Cy Stober: The Planning Board is here to advise the staff on land use and development concerns. You are appointed to <br /> 215 advise us on land use and development concerns so if in your opinion we should attend the meetings, we will attend the <br /> 216 meeting. We will find the resources. <br /> 217 <br /> 218 Adam Beeman: Everybody satisfied? <br /> 219 <br />