Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2:Draft Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization(TARPO)Project List <br /> Recommendations <br /> MPO/ AADT 2010- Crashes 2006- <br /> Map RPO Project Description/Need 2016 2016 2018 Results <br /> Staff OUTBoard <br /> Description:Modernize Mebane Oaks Road(SR 1007)from NC 54 to 1-85 with NCDOT standard street cross- <br /> section 2B(60'row,11'travel lanes,with 5'paved shoulder),add turn lanes and safety improvements at Old <br /> Hillsborough Road Road(SR-2126),Hebron Church Road(SR-1139),Yarborough Road(SR-1138),Oak Grove north 4400-3400 Total 161 <br /> Church Road(SR-1117),Jones Road(SR-1123),S Jim Minor Road(SR-2135),Nicks Road(SR-1119), 2 fatal New Project <br /> Mebane Oaks Road Bradshaw Quarry Road(SR-1100),and NC-54 4 serious injury New County <br /> 6 TARPO (SR-1007) 19 minor injury N/A Meets RPO priority <br /> Improvement** Need:This project would provide multimodal and safety improvements along a north-south corridor that 31 possible injury SPOT process <br /> connects Orange and Alamance County.This corridor is growing more unsafe with increasing accidents,two of 105 property <br /> south 2400-2400 damage <br /> them being fatal.Intersection improvements such as crosswalks and turn lanes will reduce crash frequencies <br /> and better manage traffic at key locations along the corridor. <br /> Description:Modernize Old NC-86(SR-1009)from 1-40 to Eubanks Road(SR-1727)with NCDOT standard <br /> street cross-section 2B(60'row,11'travel lanes,with 5'paved shoulder), add turn lanes at Davis Road(SR- north 5500-6300 Total 208 <br /> 1129),and New Hope Church Road(SR-1723) 3 fatal <br /> Old NC-86 3 serious injury New Project <br /> TARPO Need:This project would provide multimodal and safety improvements along a north-south corridor for New County <br /> 7 (SR-1009) 15 minor injury N/A <br /> /DCHC commuters travel between Hillsborough and Carrboro.This corridor is growing more unsafe with increasing Meets RPO priority <br /> Improvement"* 24 possible injury <br /> accidents,three of them being fatal.Intersection improvements such as crosswalks and turn lanes will reduce south 4500-5000 163 property SPOT process <br /> crash frequencies and better manage traffic at key locations along the corridor.Traffic along this corridor will damage <br /> continue increasing making the area more hazardous and will eventually exceed the capacity of the existing <br /> road. <br /> Description:Widen from NC-57 to Caswell County Line with additional lanes and multimodal facilities along the Total 609 Table <br /> corridor and safety improvements at each intersection. north 4700-5700 9 fatal <br /> Need:This project would provide multimodal and safety improvements along a north-south corridor for 6 serious injury New Project BOCC request <br /> 46 minor injury TARPO to request <br /> 8 TARPO NC-86 Improvement"" commuters travel between Orange and Caswell County.This corridor is growing more unsafe with increasing N/A <br /> accidents,nine of them being fatal.Intersection improvements such as crosswalks and turn lanes will reduce south 11000- 111 possible Meets RPO NCDOT restudy <br /> crash frequencies and better manage traffic at key locations along the corridor.Traffic along this corridor will 11000 injury SPOT process corridor for <br /> 437 property possible CTP <br /> continue increasing making the area more hazardous and will eventually exceed the capacity of the existing <br /> damage update <br /> road. <br /> Description:Widen NC-54 from Orange Grove Rd(SR 1006)to Butler Rd(SR 1951)/Dodsons Cross Rd(SR New Project <br /> 1102)and from Butler Rd(SR 1951)/Dodsons Cross Rd(SR 1102)to Old Fayetteville Road(SR-1107)/ East 12000- Total 340 Table <br /> Inside DCHC with additional lanes and multimodal facilities along the corridor and safety improvements at each 15000 3 fatal Meets RPO <br /> intersection. 8 serious injury 61.80 Region Await DCHC MPO <br /> TARPO SPOT process <br /> 9 NC-54 Improvement** 35 minor injury action on Corridor <br /> /DCHC Need:NCDOT projections reveal that traffic on NC 54 from Orange Grove Road to Old Fayetteville Road will 61 possible injury 26.58 Division Study and <br /> substantially exceed the existing roadway capacity by 2035,warranting an increase in capacity through West 9300- Fundable <br /> widening.NC-54 West Corridor Study provides such recommendations necessary to address increasing traffic 10000 233 property through subsequent CTP <br /> and crashes along corridor. damage Regional Impact and MTP update <br /> Description:Widen from Mebane Oaks Road(SR-1007)to Orange Grove Rd(SR 1006)with additional lanes East 9300-10000New Project <br /> and multimodal facilities along the corridor and safety improvements at each intersection. Total 163 Table <br /> 1 fatal Meets RPO <br /> 4 serious injury Await DCHC MPO <br /> 10 TARPO NC-54 Improvement** Need:NCDOT projections reveal that traffic on NC 54 from Orange Grove Road to Old Fayetteville Road will 19 minor injury N/A SPOT process action on Corridor <br /> substantially exceed the existing roadway capacity by 2035,warranting an increase in capacity through West 5800-6000 20 possible injury Study and <br /> widening.NC-54 West Corridor Study provides such recommendations necessary to address increasing traffic 119 property Fundable subsequent CTP <br /> a u <br /> and crashes along corridor dams through date <br /> 9 Regional Impact p <br /> Notes: <br /> *STI Law§136-189.11.Transportation Investment Strategy Formula section(d).(3).c.—The Department shall not provide financial support for independent bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects. <br /> **Sidewalk subject to NCDOT sidewalk cost share policy 40%Orange County for 1't 5 feet of sidewalk and 100%Orange County for any additional sidewalk. <br />