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DocuSign Envelope ID:97466E5E-7330ACDE-AOBD-CBC8E8979A4C 8 <br /> Contract Number 00045257/Page 4 of 50 <br /> The Contractor certifies that it has identified to the Division all jobs related to the contract that <br /> have been outsourced to other countries, if any.The Contractor further agrees that it will not <br /> outsource any such jobs during the term of this contract without providing notice to the Division. <br /> 15. Federal Certifications: <br /> Individuals and Organizations receiving federal funds must ensure compliance with certain <br /> certifications required by federal laws and regulations. The contractor is hereby complying with <br /> Certifications regarding Nondiscrimination, Drug-Free Workplace Requirements, Environmental <br /> Tobacco Smoke, Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier <br /> Covered Transactions,and Lobbying. These assurances and certifications are accompanied by <br /> a signature page and can be found in the Contractor's Managed Documents section of DHHS <br /> Open Window. The signature page is to be signed by the contractor's authorized representative. <br /> 16. Other Requirements: <br /> UEI#:GFFMCW9XDA53 <br /> Federal Award Identification Number: B09SM085375 <br /> Federal Award Date: May 17,2021 <br /> Total Amount of Federal Award: $41,535,246 <br /> Federal Funds Obligated by this Contract: $1,193,745 <br /> Federal Award Project Description: Block Grants for Community Mental Health Services <br /> Name of Federal Awarding Agency: U. S. Department of Health & Human Services <br /> CFDA Number and Name: 93.958 <br /> Is award R&D?: No <br /> Indirect Cost Rate for the Federal Award:N/A <br /> Mandatory Disclosures: <br /> Consistent with 45 CFR 75.113, applicants and recipients must disclose in a timely manner, in <br /> writing to the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG), all information related to violations, or <br /> suspected violations, of Federal criminal law involving fraud,bribery, or gratuity violations <br /> potentially affecting the Federal award.Subrecipients must disclose, in a timely manner, in <br /> writing to the prime recipient(pass through entity)and the HHS OIG,all information related to <br /> violations,or suspected violations,of Federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery,or gratuity <br /> violations potentially affecting the Federal award. Disclosures must be sent in writing to the <br /> awarding agency and to the HHS OIG at the following addresses: <br /> U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General <br /> ATTN: Mandatory Grant Disclosures, Intake Coordinator 330 Independence Avenue, <br /> SW, Cohen Building Room5527 Washington, DC 20201 <br /> Fax: (202)205-0604 (Include"Mandatory Grant Disclosuree in subject line)or email: <br /> <br /> Failure to make required disclosures can result in any of the remedies described in 45 CFR <br /> 75.371 remedies for noncompliance, including suspension or debarment(see 2 CFR parts 180 <br /> & 376 and 31 U.S.C. 3321). <br /> The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000(22 U.S.C. 7104(G)), as amended,and 2 <br /> NCDHHS GCT1007(Contract)(General) (Rev. 11.01.15) <br />