Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> Nroticnel melding d Vrs Wilding MM the Perk The We group's rowmrwrrnadpna will ba brought <br /> forward for County Commoseloner conaberoaon. <br /> Reaornmerdetl Appointees: <br /> • Merk Sherklen,Town Commiesioner and Tourism Swrd member <br /> • Margaret Haunt,Town of Nldaborough Planning Director <br /> • Susan FmnWMurg,allows fs lgstore Hillsborough <br /> • Todd Diokinson,H l Preservation Amhileot <br /> • <br /> Cornices Tumor,Allsm for Hisbdo Hlllmomugh <br /> Nomm Wh'ne, ma ape Amidmd <br /> • Coast Suomi,or dommuse <br /> 2 County ComMWaners <br /> • Judge Wade former <br /> • Judge Joe SucNner <br /> • Jamie Stanford,Clark of Court <br /> SharlN Undy PeMarerew <br /> • Cad Fos,DlaMd Afarwy <br /> • John Unk,Cmmry Manager <br /> • Pam Joan$ <br /> Further,In order to ensure the Involvement of ell stakeholder¢.Input will be sdidmd at Me appropriate <br /> time In Von eevAor design Procaea More groups representing Ma moment o Me Consco hi Indlan <br /> Vlkago and me Farmers funded,amdq phase. <br /> Pmomnmlm:bran Hor <br /> 5wpe of walk: The scope of Me project originally defined In the rmswr plan inducted epprotlmately <br /> W,000 square fset d sperse so wmmxl9re at laws Me following funMbm: <br /> • Newenberlraslorpumllcwd"ff i thapubycenberlredesgnWwbeaseoume nw: <br /> • Cif Sfar Me 6medlfa DepertrmM; <br /> 011bes MMe perk d Cmdb Mowle Vom leased spew; <br /> Frpeusiom f in Iumdal fgnMbne PrewrMy knMed In to m to en. <br /> Appointees Mmin mis wtwory wlll work met.Me design reup'm ensure met rtes well be b needs d <br /> Ms proposed ocwpaommissdmer p we red.The m k group's rewtnmendetbne MII be brought <br /> farvmrd for County Commissioner wreltloation. <br /> Redanmenned Apportions: <br /> • Judge Wade Berber <br /> • Judge Jw BUCMar <br /> • Jamie Stanford,risk M Court <br /> • Cad Fox, District Attorney <br /> • short UWy Pendergmu <br /> • 2 County COmmisebrlere <br /> • John Unk,County Manager <br /> Pam Jones <br /> Input from after building unions,such w Me Public Darantlar,probetlpryPerela,Me 158 Bar AseoclaVCn, <br /> ft.will he bobbled at epproPrlatatlmw dumg Me design PrdcaSS as waV. <br /> Upon Board approval ol Vte propose,the Request far Proposal for erolMed selection MII Ee Prepared! <br /> and Proceed Wring Me fell.Mlh a recommendation ham Me wlectlpn wmrdVw anfidpMed by Me and <br /> of January 2002. <br />