Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Hllebddten Juetlre FatllNe¢Cenmw McMx PW <br /> In read,Me Cmnly Omhnlselonera commlealwtetl 9Bemer.WhHe Anomalous,Character te Produce e <br /> As plan Mat affected Me total buipqut cepedliry of Ore site.The rosult¢of this rai preeMetl In <br /> Apf 2000,ouuithd two of which would allow approMmeany 95,000 add'Nmel square feet W <br /> building(Optgn A),theotherepprotlmetelY 105,800 aquewofM(OPtlon EN. HisimportaMtonote Met <br /> the study defined Me seethe of the Po er plan who s be only Me area Mrawn Me Govemmom <br /> Servbm Comer to Me east,Me Courthouse M the wart, Margaret Lane b Me reRh and tie"a of Me <br /> eaistlng perking let to Me south. Each option defirwo building Ponmudim In four phases. Option A. <br /> Incorporagn Me Perking deck Imo Me courth¢u¢e wn truth whit Option B developed a S oval New. <br /> at ital parking amenure in Me approzini location 0 Me ground Bhei Department. <br /> At Me requaw 0 Me C Nhdy Cdnmissomm,Me Master Plan was elm presented to Me Town of <br /> Hlisbmcugh COmmissbnarc In June 2000. CmwM$mmle bybothB MBMMNmiMr,ar lmd <br /> whim include Me rolwNng: <br /> • Parking¢uMblerey and bmtlm; <br /> • Concern about losing Me Hale lrom Margaret lane into Rlvar Perk;mtl <br /> • Scale df ash propcaM bulldirgaM reletm MMe Mtloting aVlkdure;aM <br /> • Femsr's Marratlocepon. <br /> In an eon tefoMer defy two challenges a5sodetetl with development of a couR Malay on Margaret <br /> Lana,two Cemmisdoner5.two Judges and Ccuny staff met earn reprmmt ms from Me Town of <br /> Hillsbomugh,Me lSstoM Alliance,the Tourism flood and bcel dtlunfy. Whibthrebgeraml <br /> consensus Not dstrebpmem can error on Me Bite,Mere 19 elgnlflcert ooncem Met H M dome in a <br /> Mer Mat embraces a strong sensilMy te Mtoreal co al0 Me community as wall as MB resulting <br /> endranmental manacle.Them ancems will be mra led In Me oMerla used in the selection of a design <br /> firm. <br /> Proposal Egoemsion of Me Master Patn <br /> BMW Me mmplefion of sea Master Plan,Me Beam M1ea wool reawnBM mregarding future <br /> dwelopmem of Coumy Gwemment bulbings in Me immadate Nary. Bareml swum were reisetl <br /> during Mae discussions.aduding Me potential Mat a parking deck Cl be hooked closer te the <br /> GpyammM G¢Moss Center RMerdwn being sniff aspen W Me C ffflh Y8a P1010M. 889011liki <br /> whether Matshould leer eseas,reiseforgma MnMom. Mat example: angpmd Mr OGh tedlitm will <br /> be more otlectiva if Over needs are oonsklewodinMMem. For example: <br /> • TM1e ladtitlm will hew smiler perking reeds; <br /> • Petlsskten end VehN:ulsr drouletbn from one ate tets orner eM1OVM the arretleretl; <br /> • <br /> 0 tooth o MaBmrdchmaeteaXae Fermels MaMatm MlB site XahouM be ailed with andtlemtbm <br /> M 18cillliss In MM. <br /> Bece sse"a done mteresson of gre two parembra ekpareabn an Me Dvxrnown Marlborough ate,it is <br /> reoomm nded Met Me sated of work for arms tectural sonvoes for Me CaMCUse design be expanded <br /> to i"mor all Caurty land that lies: <br /> • South of Margate lens <br /> • FaetMChutonSion <br /> • West of Cameron nSree <br /> • NMhottte Ens Rlvm. <br /> Upon BOertl 00W"atlen,Me WHOWng assumptions regarding Me use of the IoM would lea caw to Me <br /> uGMSCC <br /> • Tha area Mat is presently giver Perk lend mi women dadicated te pertlopen specs,with Mremey <br /> minimal,If any ereroaMneni by asking. <br /> a The arm Mat Is presently River Park could be Walked for part or an 0 a Forman's Markel Fadlity,it <br /> Me flml design Indbated Met to be the optimal location. <br />