Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSIMICT <br /> MMltg tuts: November],2001 <br /> AotlON AgeMe <br /> Xart Na. <br /> SUBJECT: Justice promise S8s Fxpmtlnd Motor Plan <br /> DEPARTMENT: Puohedn9 antl CeMMl Services PUBLIC NEARING: (YBOFN—o–7 <br /> ATTACXMEM(8): INFORMATION CONTACT'. <br /> Penn Jones(B1g)2A5-2952 <br /> FreemertWhite Preposel <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Hill <br /> sill h 752411 81 <br /> Ch"Hill 98&1501 <br /> memo& BBB-T08t <br /> Meeena 8361 <br /> PURPOSE To pontMer tamlMng Free -WhM AraRoole W W;Za an surrounded mender plan of me <br /> downtown Courti campus. <br /> BACKGROUND: County CaMllamonera Wpa daprocees WomnbgaMdesignWQM o wam <br /> Jumme Families Fxparroon during the meeting on 8eptam0ar J 2001. The Boats directed the <br /> Purchasing Mremor to seek a proposal fw expansion a the ema0ng Master Plan for Me Coun Campus <br /> In odor to consider Me peasi inpohe 0 the reopmmematona in Me pMiminnry G rsi Space <br /> I1eevb Body and inmwltmrate Man as might be appropriate.The Justin Faallty Member Plan proposed <br /> the Publication N Me prellminaw County Space Eftudy,which proposes expansion of the Government <br /> GeMass CeMOr(GSC)and"Mal ra mldtMQO ment Devices Ceder Mnex(GSCAI. The <br /> GB SCA pmject pNOMhelly opine newappodunNea ImeyngMWime y pmvidng M Mng for bah die <br /> GSCJGSCA and Me Justice f4dlhtes proses. Model Information is required however.Wensure <br /> that our planning basis for bcth the Wilding mWension and Me perking structures u reallNlo and makes <br /> Ma mom added use of Me ammis lam. <br /> 9moe of Wert <br /> The proposed expanded masher plan wind expand Me anginal muter plan prepared forthe coon eem0ue <br /> M include the GSCIGS(i area. Former.It wit aim consider the Impact a Me proposed!Were Pmjaw <br /> on Me RMa Park arse. Neither prolem being considered,hawadf,Wh monsoon open the River Park <br /> area. <br /> The pmpoom expended toaster plan sill proods in-depth MvesOgesion of the mM and Wit apm8icely <br /> determine Me feasibility of a poking mtupi on Me GSG'GSCA all The a¢anded plan will include <br /> Me fallowing majors seemed; <br /> • bLbautace lnumlgetan to determine Me romay of Me mil m support Me structures proposed; <br /> • Toni ani fatlmermine moment for moving Mr shimflusent number M vehicles Met a pai <br /> structure could generate; <br /> • Ronew Me preliminary findings of to Spero Nerds fi�and d ermunee a inwMe SGha) <br /> impassion plan for Me courthouse and wormy Omsem op g <br /> Department. <br /> no proposal is a0eched to mare fly di ire the scope of ink. <br />