Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> Sec. 4-185. - Modifications to Wild and Dangerous Animals Definition <br /> The Board of County Commissioners may add or remove species, subspecies, or hybrids on the <br /> basis of recommendations made by the Animal Services Advisory Board and the Animal <br /> Services Director. Recommendations must be based upon available evidence including subject <br /> matter expertise that the animal species, subspecies, or hybrid: <br /> a. Is domesticated or not, or has undergone domestication to the extent that natural <br /> behaviors have changed; <br /> b. Does or does not require extraordinary measures for safe and effective management, <br /> containment, and/or recovery in the event of escape <br /> c. Does or does not create a reasonable likelihood of physical, zoonotic, or epidemiological <br /> hazard to people and/or domesticated animals <br /> Residents of Orange County may petition the Animal Services Advisefy B Director to <br /> recommend the addition or removal of species, subspecies, or hybrids to or from the definition of <br /> Wild and Dangerous Animals. The petition shall detail reasons for the requested addition or <br /> removal of the species, subspecies, or hybrid of concern, and be submitted in writing to the <br /> Animal Services Director. The Animal Services Director shall relay the petition to the Animal <br /> Services Advisory Board to review and determine whether a recommendation of change should <br /> be made to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Sec. 4-186. - Severability. <br /> If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or <br /> circumstance is declared to be invalid, such declaration of invalidity shall not affect other <br /> provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid <br /> provision or application, and to this end the provisions of the Ordinance are declared to <br /> be severable. <br /> (Ord. ofs-14-aool(z),§s, eff 8-14-01) <br />