Agenda - 02-12-2004-6
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-12-2004
Agenda - 02-12-2004-6
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C,oc-Aon <br />STEPS TOWA F Tx� E� T� <br />The commissioners should take the following steps to achieve funding equity between the <br />two school districts. (The date to take the step is given in parentheses) <br />h Decide to call an electron to aeteruuuc wu .0 = • - ° -- <br />supplemental tax (ad valorem tax) for education. Instruct staff to bring back a report in <br />January 2004 concern. g the recommended process for this vote. The process should <br />include the elements listed below. (November/December -2003) <br />A. After receiving the staff report, the commissioners will decide the maximum <br />rate at which the tax can be levied. election (Usually <br />B. The vote on the tax will take place during the 2004 primary ( y <br />held on the fast Tuesday in May). <br />C. The proceeds of the tax will be used to "operate schools of a higher standard." <br />D. Upon a favorable vote in May, the tax will take effect on July 1, 2004.* <br />H. If the countywide supplemental tax is approved by the voters, the commissioners will <br />include the following items in the county bud et for FY 2004 - 2005.* (May /June 2004) <br />A. Set the countywide supplemental tax rate as appropriate to address demonstrated <br />unmet needs for the schools. It is recommended that the rate be set at 4 cents <br />per $100 of valuation, This will increase funding to the Orange County Schools <br />by approximately $1.5 million, which is about one -half of the amount that was <br />not funded in the FY 2003 -2004 budget. <br />B. Adjust the city district tax rate downward to compensate for the increase in the <br />countywide tax rate. This adjustment will be made so that the Chapel Hill - <br />Carrboro Schools will not only be "held harmless" in the narrow sense, but also <br />_ so that the total funding to the district will increase as appropriate to address <br />demonstrated unmet needs. <br />III. The commissioners will formulate funding Guidelines and priorities for the <br />counWvide supplemental tax. For example, the tax could be used for funding equity, to <br />promote collaboration, and for other purposes to allow the schools to operate at a higher <br />stagdard. The commissioners _.._.� -t3 _..... _ .T...___ ...._ ... <br />will also define e ur and identify then intentions <br />concerning the total tax increase that will be necessary to achieve funding equity between <br />the two school districts and the time e d for that increase. (Spring 2004) <br />STEPS TOWARD C®T T A aoree to work <br />I. The two schools districts, in partnership with the commissioners, will <br />with a facilitator to identify concrete steps for collaboration. They will agree ° 2004) <br />funding, the facilitator, and other aspects of the collaboration study, (By <br />II. The collaboration study will produce an interim report by May 2004, in time to <br />initiate some meaningful collaboration during the 2004 -2005 school wear if at all <br />possible. The final report will recommend significant collaboration that ll wi take place <br />during the 2005 2006 school year and beyond <br />Proposed by Alice Gordon for the November 11, 2003 BOCC Work Session <br />*If action cannot be taken by this date, the tax will be implemented as soon as legally possible. <br />n <br />
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